Chance me please!

13th out of 443 students
Average A-/B+
3.6667 Unweighted
4.7447 Weighted
3.9545 Core
I have taken all honors classes except for couple electives throughout high school.
By the end of senior year, I'll have 25 college credits (dual enrollment).
I have taken 6 AP's so far.
ACT: 29 (English:34, Math:32, Reading:23, Science:27)
SAT 1840/2400 1230/1600 (Critical Reading:550, Math:680, Writing:620)</p>

<p>I'm very involved with school. I've been a member of the School Advisory Council (10th-12th), Student Government (9th-12th), Math Honor Society (11th-12th), Science Honor Society (12th), National Honor Society (11th-12th). I've been Freshman Class secretary, Sophomore and Junior class President, Student Government 3rd Vice President and Corresponding Secretary. I am also the representative for my school, as we hold the county office of Treasurer of student governments in every high school and middle school of the county. </p>

<p>I have 250+ community service hour, and will have close to 500 by the time I graduate.</p>

<p>Congratulations on finishing so high in your class. It is curious why your SAT scores are on the low side - you really took a beating in Reading on both SAT and AP. Are you planning to take (or already taken) the SAT again so you might improve your superscore?</p>

<p>I can’t really comment on your overall chances of being accepted to UM, but I’d be pretty sure you wouldn’t be in contention for one of the larger scholarships. While rank in class is important, I think the SAT/AP scores are a pretty good barometer of scholarship awards. If you were on the fence with the admissions folks, I think your participation in school societies and gov’t plus your community service may pull you from a wait list to acceptance - purely specualation on my part…</p>

<p>How did you score on the APs? Which ones did you take? Is UM your 1st choice? Have you visited campus? If so,did you meet with admissions? Do you think UM would be a safe school or a stretch? Are you considering applying to UM via Early Action? What do you think you might major in?

<p>Thanks Zinc!</p>

<p>English is my second language, learned it about 5-6 years ago, which probably explains the low SAT/ACT reading scores.
I just took the ACT again couple weeks ago but the scores are not out yet, and I am taking the SAT next weekend. Reading will definitely be my main focus!</p>

<p>I scored poorly on my APs. So far, out of 3 exam taken, I have gotten 2’s on World History and US History, and a 3 on English Language and Composition </p>

<p>UM is definitely one of my top choices, if not first! I have visited their campus, attended presentations, and all that good stuff. However, I did not actually get to sit down with an admissions counselor.
In my opinion, UM is a big stretch, but I could be wrong.
I am applying via Early Action and plan to major in some Business related field, most likely Entrepreneurship.</p>

<p>You should include in your application that English is your Second Language, possibly in your essay or the struggle as your essay topic, if you still need one. </p>

<p>Since English is your Second Language, the 3 in AP English Language looks impressive. At least try to mention it in your essay.</p>

<p>Good luck on your upcoming SAT weekend. I agree with surfer that you need to include ESL in your application somewhere. I believe that if you are seriously interested in UM as a 1st or 2nd choice you need to make sure they (specifically admissions) know that. If an admissions officer visits your city (not sure where you’re located) or if they visit a nearby city, try to take advantage of any interviews they offer you. If you are close enough to Miami to visit campus again, make an appointment with someone in admissions and if possible an appointment with a professor in the school you’d like to be part of. Make sure they know you are there - sign in at the desk in Ashe - take the campus tour…</p>

<p>If you can build a rapport with someone at UM, your application may have a better chance of standing out from the hundreds/thousands of others that flow in over the next few months. And, definitely apply Early Action!</p>

<p>Best of luck to you!

<p>Any other info?</p>