Chance me please!

<p>I am a Senior at a very prestigious school in South Florida. Ranked #1 in South Florida Private schools. I applied to UM ED</p>

<p>GPA is 4.2 Weighted on a 4.0 scale/ 3.9 Unweighted
I have taken 7 AP classes. I am a national merit semifinalist.
2 Sport Varsity Athlete; 4 varsity letters
1st Chair French Horn Player; plan to play in college
top 15% in my class of 220</p>

<p>What are my chances of getting in and getting a scholarship?</p>

<p>Do you really need to be chanced?</p>

<p>for the scholarship info yes…</p>

<p>Did you take the SAT multiple times and 640 is your best CR score? It pulls down the rest of your resume. Did you score well on the AP exams (as in 4’s and 5’s)? Did you take the ACT?

<p>I took it twice and got 640 both times…I got 5 5’s on my AP exams</p>

<p>That makes it really tough (at least for me) to guess at the scholarship. I think you are definitely in. I don’t really know whether more weight is given to GPA, SAT scores, class rank, rigor of schedule, status of high school, etc, etc - so it’s really just a guess, but I’d say you would be looking at the 20k scholarship.</p>

<p>So much depends on the resumes of the rest of the applicant pool.
Are you applying to Frost School of Music as your major? They may have even different criteria beyond what admissions does with your data…not sure.</p>

<p>Good luck to you and let us know how things turn out.
Zinc (who, as it turns out, isn’t really sure about much of anything!)</p>

<p>Thanks. I am not applying to Frost but I indicated on my Common App that I plan to play in college.</p>