Chance me please :)

<p>Sorry in advance for the length of the post, but could you please chance me for Chemical Engineering EA?</p>

<p>Country of Residence - Nigeria</p>

<p>Nationality - Indian</p>

<p>Rigour of courses - Full I.B. Diploma</p>

<p>SAT - 2070 (800M, 630CR, 640W 8 - Essay)
SAT II - Math II 800, Chemistry 760, Physics 750</p>

<p>Rank - School doesn't rank due to its transient nature</p>

<p>G.P.A - </p>

<p>Freshman Year (Only 1 semester since I transferred to this school only during second semester)
Algebra 1 - A
English 1 - A-
Biology - B
History - B
P.E. - A</p>

<p>Sophomore Year
Physics - A, A
Chemistry - A, A-
Algebra II - A, A
Spanish 1 - A, A
World History - A, A
English II - B, A-
P.E. - A, A</p>

<p>Junior Year (All IB Classes)
Physics HL - A, A
Chemistry HL - A-, B+
English SL - B+, B+
Math HL - A-, B+
Spanish Ab. SL - A, A
Economics - B, A-
Theory of Knowledge (only 2nd semester) - B+ </p>

<p>Cumulative Unweighted G.P.A with (+/-'s) - 3.74</p>

<p>Awards -
Bronze Award for 400 hours of Community service - Grade X
Silver Award for 700 hours of Community service - Grade XI
Gold Award for 1000 hours of Community service - Grade XII (Will be awarded when school reopens)</p>

Leadership Positions -
President and Founder of Tutoring Club (Grade XI onward)
President and Founder of Badminton Club (Grade XI onward)
President and Founder of Table Tennis Club (Grade XI onward)
Manager of Cinematography Club (Grade XII)
President of Comedy Club (Grade XII)</p>

<p>Clubs Part of -
Tennis Club - (Grade X)
Environmental Club (Grade IX and X)
Photography Club (Grade XII)
Cinematography Club (Grade XII)
Comedy Club (Grade XII)
Table Tennis Club (Grade XI and XII)
Badminton Club (Grade XII)
Tutoring Club (Grade XI and XII)
Education for all Society (Grade XI and XII)</p>

Varsity Volleyball</p>

<p>Other Extracurricular Activities
Interned at an N.G.O regarding Slum development - 8 weeks during summer of Grade XI
Taught at a spastics school - 3 weeks during Christmas Break - Grade X and XI
Education for All Society - Taught children at govt. schools needing help with their education
Taught at a school for Highschool dropouts in India
Taught at a school meant for Child Labour victims in India
Led awareness programmes about Diabetes, Cancer, Schizofrenia, Alcoholism, Inter Family Marriage and Child Labour in slums in India
Helped at a camp for SCARF - Research and Treatment of Schizofrenia
Helped teach at a school for mentally challenged people
Helped lead and organize camps meant for vocational training for women's groups in India
Helped a Medic on wheels (2 days a week for 4 weeks) in India</p>

<p>Financial Aid - None Needed</p>

<p>Let's say my Essays are good and my teacher recommendations are very good
Could i know my chances at U Wisconsin - Madison?
Thank You.</p>

<p>Your test scores, grades and IB program plus extracurricular activities all point to a good chance of acceptance. Do apply.</p>