Chance me please?

<p>Hi! I'm interested in the University of Miami! I have a 28 on my ACT but will take it two more times and I'm studying really hard. I have a 3.8 Unweighted GPA. I didn't do so well on the SAT but I am taking it again! I've taken two APs but I only passed one and in my senior year I'll be taking 5! I went to the PAVE pre college program at Vanderbilt this summer and will get a rec letter from the Dean of PAVE. I played softball all three years of high school and have over 300 hours of volunteer work! I'm also involved in 5 clubs at my school! Let me know if I have a chance! Thanks!</p>

<p>I think you have a solid chance of being accepted just focus on increasing your standardized test scores, try to get at least a 29 on the ACT and you should be good. Your ECs and volunteering and such are good.</p>