Chance me please

<p>Regular Decision
SAT: 1320/1950
GPA uw/w: 4.0/4.6 (weighted could be higher as that includes art/pottery/Pe/lms)
Class Rank: school doesn't rank but ~4/280 (would be 1 but I'm not fluent in Spanish)
Very prestigious private school in florida
Race: Caucasian
Location: Florida</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule:
- Physics (H)
- Spanish 4(H)
- AP Psychology
- AP Government
- AP Microeconomics
- AP Literature
- AP Calculus AB
APs taken
Human geography/world history/english/chemistry/us history</p>

<p>Honors/Awards: </p>

<p>Principal's List: All As each semester and on midterms/finals
You can't join honor societies until junior year at my school
National Honor Society (11-12)
Science National Honor Society (11-12)
Spanish Honor Society (11-12) Historian
Rho Kappa Social Studies Honor Society (11-12) Treasurer
English Honor Society (11-12)
Mu Alpha Theta Math Honor Society (11-12)
School's House of Representatives (12)
Ecology Club (9-12)
Leadership Team (10-12)</p>


<p>Community service: 150 hours (food drives, tutoring, coached basketball team)
Football (9)
Basketball (9-12)
Track and Field (11 and will do 12)</p>

<p>Your chances are so good! Apply to the U with pride! See you there! :)</p>

<p>I would think you’d be applying EA instead of RD. Except for a low-ish SAT score your resume is very impressive. I think EA would give you a better chance at larger scholarships plus you’d know sooner if UM was on your short list.