Chance Me Please


<p>I am currently an in-state Senior with an unweighted GPA of 3.6. I have 80 hours of volunteer time along with 4 years of varsity soccer, a job all four years (15 hours a week) and am the president/fouder of a music appreciation club at my school. My ACT is a 33 (English-32, Math-32, Reading-34, Science-35) and I will have taken 5 AP classes and 2 semesters (6 credits) of college English classes through UW-Wood County/Marshfield by the end of this year. I also have taken 4 years of Spanish as well. In addition I was a Youth Rotarian selection this year.</p>

<p>My AP Classes are:
AP-World History (3)
AP Psychology (4)
AP Physics 1 (-)
AP Calc BC (-)
AP Macroeconomics (-)
2 semesters of college english (not AP)</p>

<p>Madison is, by far, my number one choice of school. Will I get in?</p>


<p>Looks good to me!</p>


<p>I’d be shocked if you didn’t get admitted, especially with that ACT. </p>