Chance me please??

<p>Intended major: Marine Science/Biology
Rank: school does not rank
GPA: 3.67 (out of 4.0)
SAT: 2120
ACT: 32
Junior year APs: AP US History, AP Language and Compositon
Senior year APs: AP US Government, AP Calc AB, AP Environmental Science, AP Spanish, AP Literature
Work experience: cashier for 2 years, one tutoring job in 10th grade for computer science, three current tutoring jobs in math and Spanish, various babysitting jobs
Activities: varsity golf team, debate team, FBLA, executive board of student government, junior and senior prom committee, piano lessons since age 5, marine biology club
Community service: 50+ hours preparing and serving food at local homeless shelter</p>

<p>Strong essays
2 very good letters of rec
Applied early action</p>


<p>Everything seems pretty good. However, your GPA seems a little low for the []_[]. Applying early action should help with that. I think you have a shot though! Good luck!</p>

<p>Man, I wish my high school had a marine biology club… But in all seriousness, I think you have a shot. Do you have a weighted GPA? The number of AP classes you’ve taken indicate a pretty tough workload, which would be reflected in your weighted GPA. Other than that, your normal GPA is lower than admissions normally likes to see, but your ACT and SAT should help to bring those up. What’s the breakdown on your SAT (remember that Miami doesn’t look at the writing section)? Depending on that breakdown, I’d say you have a decent chance of getting in.</p>

<p>P.S. If you have any questions at all about the Marine Science Program, let me know, I’m a junior right now majoring in Marine Science, Biology, and Mathematics. Please feel free to contact me!</p>

Hi there! I wish I knew how to send you a direct message on here but i guess this works? I was just accepted to UMiami’s for marine biology, but I never had a chance to visit. Could you tell me more about your experience in the program, about any research or internships you’ve had, and wether you think the high tuition is worth it? Thank you in advance for your help!!