Chance me please

This is for a friend. She has a 4.0 uw gpa and a 4.5 wgpa. She is ranked number 1 in a class of 75ish. She is a resident of a small Illinois town. She has no ap classes as none are offered but she has the strongest curriculum available. She will have 12 college credits upon graduation with a 4.0 gpa. She wrote excellent essays and has good recommendations. Her ACT score is a 26. She has excellent leadership and extracurriculars. She applied first decision and for engineering. Please chance her and do not be rude.

All of her stats look amazing apart from her act which is on the lowest end of Madison’s spectrum.

So do you think she will be accepted?

Current UW parent – the 26 for OOS student is problematic. Sorry to say, very possible that this could be postponed or rejection.

Is her ACT really that big of a deal breaker?

If that ACT were a 30+ I’d call it a guaranteed acceptance but now it could go either way. My guess is she’ll be accepted cause of her GPA and rank.

She should apply for the School of Engineering scholarships. I believe the deadline is around February 1. Tell her, ‘Do not wait for an acceptance, apply now’.