Chance Me Please

Hi guys I’m an Indian Male in TN and I would like to know how competitive I am at a few schools.

My stats are :

3.45 UW GPA (this can become a 3.55 at the end of 1st semester senior year).
4.04 W GPA (this can become a 4.13 at the end of 1st semester senior year).
35 ACT (36 Superscore)
1420 PSAT
SAT 2’s Scores Pending (Math 2 & Physics)
Full IB Diploma Curriculum (5 HL classes and 1 SL)

EC’s (simplified list):

3 years varsity soccer
3 years MUN
2 years Robotics
2 years Knowledge Bowl
1 year History Bowl
2 years Badminton Club
Attended Advanced Space Academy for 1 week, earned one undergrad credit.
Attended Harvard Summer School for 7 weeks, earned eight undergrad credits.
10 Week Research with a College Professor
Secretary Badminton Club
Co-President Astronomy Club
Co-President of ACT/SAT Tutoring group

Trend: Very Good 9th grade, OK 10th Grade, Bad 11th Grade, Hopefully Very Good 12th Grade

School doesn’t have class rank.

What major ?

Computer Science @BurgerMan1

You have a chance. I had a similar GPA (but a very strong upward progression) and ACT score and got into Purdue with good scholarships, so I would presume you could do the same.

I was in-state though, so I do not know if that plays a role in our comparisons. But you have a good chance in my opinion.

And what about a major in Biology? @BurgerMan1

I don’t usually do this but I’ll put my 2 cents in. Purdue is a good match for you. Apply early (as in before the end of 2016) for best consideration and by November 1 for scholarship consideration. Purdue has both Computer Science (within the College of Science) and Computer Engineering (within the College of Engineering). One is more heavily into programming the other into computer hardware. Both are popular and as the majors fill it becomes more difficult to be accepted.

From what I remember, CS was at full capacity. Biology was not. From that, it sounds like Biology is less competitive than CS.

I am a freshman in Fall 2016. I haven’t got my hall decision yet. I’m nervous now. Could you please help me.

“Welcome to University Residences! You will be notified of your room and roommate assignment information on or about July 15, 2016. This notification will be sent to your Purdue e-mail address. Any questions regarding your housing assignment should be directed to the main office of your assigned residence. This information will be included in your housing assignment notification.”

There is your help.:slight_smile: