Chance Me please!

35 on the ACT
Minnesota resident
3.5 unweighted Gpa
varsity letter in science Olympiad
Varsity letter in volunteering
taken 5Ap’s and would be taking 4 more my senior Year
Formed an a Captain of a Cricket Club in my school
Would I be accepted for engineering

Also I have a taken a advanced Coursera course and won a certificate. I’ve played for an NYCL tournament(cricket) representing MN itself for 2 years. I’ve also passed a level 2 theory exam in Piano with High distinction

Class rank or percentile?

Our school doesn’t offer class Rank or percentile

I’d appreciate any help. It’d also be helpful if u could tell me the things I could do to get in

Nearly guarantied in to Letters and Sciences, maybe for the school of engineering.

Unless you had a drastic upward trend in your academics over your sophomore/junior year, I would expect you to be postponed for admission. Your ACT is fantastic, but your GPA is below average for the university. Very select few are admitted to the School of Engineering, so if you are accepted it’s likely to be in L&S. Your extracurricular are also good. Best advice is to show strong academics from here on out, maintaining above a 3.75 UW (not an absolute, just a goal possibly for yourself).

Thank you for your advice!! Let’s say I get into L&S; can I still change to engineering after I get in depending on my first semester college grade? Do u look at my gpa when I turn in my application or the gpa that I’ve at the end of my senior year?

I believe these are the requirements before you are admitted to the program.

There’s lots of information on the College of engineering website that could answer your other questions. I’m not sure I understand your last question, when you send in your application is when they will view your current unweighted high school GPA: freshman year to the end of junior year. If you are to be postponed, they will request your first semester grades of senior year to help in their admission decision.

Ok. Do u think I should take the act again and shoot for a 36! would that really change the application process. BTW I’m going to be a senior this fall. So r u saying yes, I can change from L&S to engineering after I’m admitted.

Work on improving your GPA this semester to show an upward trend.

Yes, you can. And the difference between a 35 and a 36, to some people, is miniscule. GPA is the most important area to improve as of now.

okay. My friend got a 32 and he has roughly the same gpa and has all the activites that I do. Do u think he will be accepted?

You get admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your intended major/school/college. You are in competition for a spot along with all entering freshmen regardless of their plans. Therefore above comments about L&S vs Eng are irrelevant. Your UW college record will determine your ability to enter some majors later on. Very few students are direct admits into engineering as freshmen, don’t worry about that. I suspect once you are challenged with UW courses (more rigorous than AP ones) you will do better than in HS and would have no problems getting into the engineering major of your choice. Your freshman schedule will be the same regardless.

That’s a low gpa with such high ability as shown by your ACT. Hopefully your grades are trending upwards and not going down. You need to show you not only have the ability but can translate it into learning the material, ie getting top grades in the rigorous courses. Be sure to spend the time doing the homework and studying. It requires good study habits to succeed in college regardless of your native intelligence. UW may worry that you don’t know how to study yet. Try for a stellar first semester in the fall.

There are many gifted/high ability students who never needed to study until the material was more advanced and who never got good study habits in HS. These students can flounder in college without study skills. Sometimes boredom means not doing needed homework to get the top grades.

Hopefully you will get in and make good use of the excellent opportunities for top students at UW.

Thank You so much for all your valuable comments! Hope I get in :slight_smile:

@mksarav, my D3 is also applying as a MN resident. You might find the following document helpful. Last year’s admission rate under the MN Compact (i.e. tuition reciprocity agreement) fell significantly from around 50% historically to just under 44%. Will be interesting to see what the admission rate is for the class entering this fall - hopefully the document will be updated soon.

Good luck to you!