Chance me please

Hey everyone. So, the EA deadline is coming up and I am stressing so much over my UW-Madison application. I’ve been working on the essays for about a month and a half and I still can’t seem to get it right. And I know my ACT score may be on the lower end of the spectrum, but it’s just the score I seem to keep getting.

My current GPA is 3.91. Unweighted gpa isn’t too far behind. I’m currently taking four AP classes right now: AP English, AP Calculus, AP Government, and AP Economics. My current class rank is 14 out of 150 students.

I do A LOT of clubs.

Freshman year:

Student Council Treasurer
National Honor Society
Anime Club
Homecoming Committee

Sophomore year:

Student Council
International Club
Best Buddies
Homecoming Committee
Mentors (tutoring)
Forensics (public speaking)
Lots of volunteer hours
Student of the Year

Junior year:

Prom Committee
Student Council Secretary
School Newspaper
Online Literature Magazine (founding member)
International Club
National Honor Society
Crap load of volunteer hours
Girls Tennis Manager
Play Productions

Senior year:

Yearbook Editor
First chair in Orchestra
Online Literature Magazine (founding member)
National Honor Society Treasurer
Student Council
Volunteering at the elementary school every other day
Badger Girls’ State
School Newspaper

So yeah, I do a lot of clubs, but no sports. Would the admissions office care if I spoke two languages? Fuzhounese Chinese was my first language. It was shortly followed by Manadarin Chinese, and finally, English. I also took two years of Spanish and am taking the third right now. I help my parents translate and do a lot of their paperwork. I also help their friends with translating and paperwork as well. I’ve helped my family and this one other family get health insurance. I helped my parents buy our condo with the paperwork and the bank transfer. You know, all that fancy stuff. But, I’m not sure if the things I just listed would give me a better shot at Madison. What do you think?

Oh, test score wise… I took the new PSAT and got a 1100 out of 1520, I believe. My ACT is a 26…And my GPA isn’t the best either. I feel like all I can count on is my activities, but those don’t give me much of a boost. In my high school career, I have taken six AP classes, so I do have a very vigorous workload.

Neither of my parents went to college. My parents grew up in China, so school wasn’t the first thing on their mind. My mom didn’t finish middle school and my dad finished high school. I am also a Wisconsin resident.

I’m also currently working, but I’m not sure if that’ll play a part in my getting admitted or not.

Thank you for reading this! It’s been on my mind for a long time.

I am a current UW Madison student, I’ll tell you a bit about myself and you can compare that to yourself because I feel we are pretty similar. I was in the top 10% of the graduating class at my school, I had about a 3.8/3.9 gpa, I took 4 AP classes and a bunch of PSEO (dual credit) classes at a local Community College during my senior year and I got all A’s in those, my ACT score was a 28. In total I did 5 sports, golf for 1 year, track and field for 1 year, swimming for 3 years, nordic skiing for 3 years, and cross country running for 1 year. On top of this I did, choir for 4 years (concert and chambers), band for 4 years (marching and concert), I was concert choir president, I was in student council for 2 years and had a leadership position for 1 of those years, I was a link crew leader (a freshman orientation thing we do at our high school), I was in an all state choir, and I got a few awards as a swimmer. On top of all of this I had 3 jobs through the course of my high school career, 2 of which were current while I applied and I still worked there. I had 2 letters of recommendation from my english teacher and choir teacher who I know both thought highly of me. None of my direct family went to UW Madison but my 3 uncles and grandpa did (I’m not sure if I was able to say that on my application though, I don’t think I could). I am from Minnesota and know that they are harder on Minnesotans because we get reciprocity, they have just started cracking down on this in the past few years, meeting people here is crazy because there are a ton from wisconsin, illinois and california and not as many as I would’ve thought from MN. I am also white and a female, my first language was English and that’s all I fluently speak (I took spanish in high school but I wasn’t good at it). I am pursuing business and I am a marketing major and I remember that I put that on my application so I’m not sure if that makes a difference or not (the business school is very competitive so if anything I feel like that should’ve gone against me a little bit).

I’m not going to say whether or not you’re going to get in and just know that it’s seriously going to suck to wait to hear from them because I sent in my application when I applied around early September and I didn’t hear back until the very last day, or maybe it was second to last day, in January. They’ll send out the acceptances all around the same time usually in the last two weeks of January so it’s a huge killer having to wait until then, I heard on a friday night, it was intense.

If you don’t get in it might suck but trust me, keep your options open. I was so excited when I got in because it was my dream school and I’ve applied to transfer to the University of Minnesota for next semester already… and I’ve only been here a few months. I just haven’t clicked here. Just know that it’ll work out and worst case you go somewhere else for a year and if you really don’t like that school you can try to transfer to Madison, just know there are so many options. I would highly encourage looking into some smaller schools too! My sister went to a smaller school and had an amazing experience and I know that my parents always wanted me to go to one, I recommend University of Wisconsin Eau Claire especially. Good luck and please ask if you have any questions. I hope that this helped. Just know that no matter how much you search and search to try to find out if you’ll get in or not you will never know for sure, I was all over college confidential last year around this time too until I heard back from them and if anything it’ll just waste your time when you could be spending it on school work or being with friends. Trust me, high school was a great time because school was so easy compared to how it is now, I wish I could go back so much… cherish your free time!

I’m not going to sugar coat it, you don’t have a chance… you actually have too many clubs

@jackthiel I’m going to stick up for myself and my clubs. I am deeply involved in all of them and hold several leadership positions in them. I am not ashamed of my clubs. In fact, I’m quite proud of them! :slight_smile: I’ve worked hard to stand where I stand today. I appreciate your feedback though.

i think you have a shot there… :slight_smile:

Post # 2- totally WRONG. There is no such thing as “too many clubs”.

The OP has a high gpa despite spending time on other things. This indicates excellent study/work habits- s/he is able to do the academics and have time left over. Some people thrive on being busy. UW will see the ability to handle UW work- more easily than many I suspect. In fact- you show better habits than a high test scoring student who gets lower grades. Plus you seem to be taking a rigorous class load. Remember to keep the academics first- ignore club obligations and study for tests/get homework done first (as I’ll bet you have been doing based on your gpa). Looks like you will have a solid foundation for any college you attend.

Never any guarantees but looks good to me.

The OP’s main question was:
“But, I’m not sure if the things I just listed would give me a better shot at Madison. What do you think?”

A “Better Shot”? Better than what? Not listing them? Many colleges advise you NOT to list every involvement you’ve had unless you had a leadership role, or if it enhanced your academics.

You do list National Honor Society under your freshman year. I find this curious, unless it has changed, that a 9th grader can be in NHS. At a minimum, you have to be a 10th grader.

If you truly do have work experience, I consider that more impressive than almost every other EC you list, especially if was a job that you went out and got on your own and actually earned money.

Bottom line is that your application has to demonstrate first and foremost your academic potential, not your social prowess.

The 26 ACT is a bit concerning, but your GPA is still high and you have a lot of ECs and a unique background and you’re instate, so I’d say you definitely have a good chance.

About your essays, have you talked them over with an English teacher and allowed them to give feedback? If you’re truly feeling stuck then it’s time to start letting other people proofread your stuff.

If OP is planning to use the Common App then the number of honors will be limited to Five and the number of activities to 10. They recommend that if you have more of either you should list the five or 10 that are the most important to you.

@Leyland National Junior Honor Society is for grades 7 through 9. National Honor Society is from grades 11 to 12 at my school. Hope that clears the confusion up a bit! :slight_smile:

What do you recommend for theatre and such? I’ve been in multiple play productions with all important parts. Should I leave that out or should I keep it?

And oops! For freshman year, I meant National JUNIOR Honor Society. xD Sorry guys.

@aimlesswriter perhaps you can put your EC’s into categories: Honors, Leadership, Arts, Clubs, Community Service, etc. and list total number of hours for each category and the five most important activities and when you did them. If you have a lot of performance arts experience that can also go on a separate theatre/acting resume which is like an arts supplement (or if you have a recording of any of your work that’s good too! Although for UW-Madison probably not really necessary). There is a section at the end of the Common Ap. that allows you to cut and paste - or perhaps even upload - that additional info.

Edit/update to add: part-time job experience very important so be sure to add that as a category!

@JBStillFlying Awesome! I love the idea! I’ll talk to my counselor tomorrow morning to hear if he has anything to say about cutting down my clubs. I have had two part time jobs in high school, so I’ll be sure to put them down!

@aimlesswriter - good idea. Your counselor can assist. Hopefully he’ll encourage the notion that what you want to get across is that you are a talented, responsible, involved member of your community who is passionate about a few meaningful activities and is a natural leader. 'Nuff said at that point.