Chance me please!

I am currently a junior in high school from Michigan. (I’m a male)
My cumulative weighted GPA is a 4.083 (thru sophomore year)
Unweighted is a 4.0
This year I am taking:
AP Stats
AP Microeconomics
AP macroeconomics
Honors Precalc
Spanish 4
Advanced SciFi
Advanced Comp

Based on how the year is going so far, I am predicting that I could have one or two Bs in Precalc and Stats (more likely precalc) and these would be my first Bs in my high school career.

I took the ACT once and got a 26 (not what I was hoping for) and I’m taking it again on December 10-- hoping to get up to 30 eventually–any tips???

Tennis all three years (varsity sophomore and junior year) planning on doing senior year

Golf all three years (varsity sophomore year and hopefully this year) and planning on doing senior year

Student Congress all three years (ran for a board position and lost, but I am the junior conference representative and chair of the school improvements committee)

Unified Sports (freshmen and sophomore year, not sure if I can this year— helped kids with disabilities play sports in this club)

Key Club all three years 20 hours of service each year

NHS junior year, and will do senior year

Worked at a camp over the summer as a counselor at a camp for kids with muscular dystrophy for a week

Planning on taking a lifeguarding class this year to get a job over the summer at my neighborhood pool

List of classes so far:
Freshmen year-- all As
Geophysical science
World History
Honors Geometry
English 9
Chamber winds band
spanish 2

Sophomore year-- all As or A-
Spanish 3
AP US history (5 on the AP exam, 740 on subject test)
health/personal fit
Honors Biology
Honors Alg 2 with trig
American literature

tested out of civics

I have been thinking about college a lot and I have come up with a list of schools I’m looking at
I am planning on majoring in business

Wisconsin Madison
U of M Ann Arbor
Indiana University
South Carolina
California Berkeley

Please let me know what you think of my list (which schools I have a chance at, which I have no shot at) and I would appreciate any other school recommendations for my stats. I am looking for a bigger college experience, but would look into smaller ones if they fit. Thanks!

By the way, my December 10 ACT score was a 28. Hoping to still get into the 30s next time ( I got a 21 on science and it killed my score).

Viable: South Carolina, Indiana University
50/50: Wisconsin
Reach: U of M Ann Arbor, Berkeley

get that score up and your chances will increase. Even with a 32, Berkeley and Michigan would be reaches, they aren’t anyone safeties. Piece of advice: take subject tests!

A 28 doesn’t make Wisconsin admissions impossible, considering you are OOS though, I think a 29 or 30 would put you in a more competitive range.

I think Indiana is certainly an option as well as South Carolina.

Michigan is only getting more competitive, even for in-state students. An increased ACT cannot guarantee anyone a spot at Mich.

Your junior year is the last one seen by admissions. Do your best in class- homework, study for tests… Getting a B or two is not a killer but a downward trend can hurt.