Chance Me Please!

UW GPA: 3.75
I have taken a rigorous course load with about all the APs my school offers. Including my current senior year schedule, I have taken 13 APs.

ACT: 31

-President of chess club (4 years)
-NHS member (2 years)
-Tennis team (4 years)
-Cross country (2 years)
-Various volunteering positions (at hospitals and elementary schools mostly)
-Math team member (4 years)

I live in state.

If I had to holistically evaluate my essays then I would put them at a little above average. Nothing spectacular but not bad either.

I have been told that with my ACT and GPA I have a decent chance to get into Madison but I am concerned because I know my GPA is a bit lacking and there are supposed to be more applicants due Madison being on the common app.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Your ACT is certainly good enough, by historical standards. It’s hard to know this year; however, the admission standards are more lenient for in-state so the CA most likely affected competition among OOS applicants.

Your GPA is a tad lower than the average of 3.85 or so, but is probably fine.

Good luck to you!

I presume you continued to get high grades in junior year, and AP classes. All you can do is wait and see now- plus keep working hard this year. Do not obsess about it- enjoy your final year of HS. Helpful to be taking the most rigorous classes, and doing well in them. Remember, the average/mean/median all need to reflect numbers below as well as above them. A lot of successful applicants need to be below the average (this is not Lake Wobegon where everyone is above average).