Chance me please?

I’m looking to go to UW Madison for business, but I am not sure if I would be able to be in their business program freshman year or if I would have to transfer into it later on. I am currently a senior at a public HS. I live in-state.

3.9 weighted/ 3.87 unweighted

I took 2 AP classes Junior year and out of the total 4 semesters, I received a B+ for three of them and an A- for one. I am currently taking 2 AP classes and a CIS class and expect to be in the A- to A range for all 3 courses.

I have taken 5, 1-semester, business courses that my school has to offer. I co-founded a business club at my school and I am vice-president of the club. I am a member of Business Professionals of America and went to nationals for it last year.

-Student Council (Senior year)
-NHS (Senior Year)
-Football for (Freshman/Sophomore year)
-Debate Team (Sophomore year)
-Business Club/BPA (Junior/Senior year)
-Link Crew(Junior/Senior Year)
-I have had a job for three years.

AP exam results matter- the teaching/grading of AP classes varies among HS’s. You do seem to have stats that would get you admitted to UW as a whole- necessary for direct admits. Recent years seem to be very competitive fot the business school.

Thank you very much. I also have a friend with a 29 ACT and 3.75 unweighted GPA who is looking at Madison. He plays 2 sports, has a job, and is in NHS. He has taken 2 AP classes. What are the odds he gets accepted?

Look at the business school requirements

if you have taken 2 or 3 of those listed in the link as AP classes (AP Calculus, AP Psychology, AP Econ, etc), you have a higher chance to be admitted as direct admit to the business school.