Chance Me Please [MO resident, 3.75 GPA, $40k budget]

Demographics: White Female from Missouri, Catholic school

  • entrepreneurship/ business/marketing
  • UW GPA: 3.75, Rank: n/a test scores: test optional weighted gpa: 4.0
  • Coursework (college coursework for transfer applicants) :5 aps 7 honors 2 college courses
  • Awards: NHS, honor roll all 4 years
  • Extracurriculars: 100+ volunteer hours mostly with kids, tennis teacher in the summer, worked at daycare, also a nanny during the summer. Tennis varsity all 4 years (except junior year bc I was transfer, transfers can’t be on varsity)
  • Essays/LORs/Other: essay was how all of my childhood pets to current has taught me/changed me
  • Cost Constraints / Budget: can’t go over 40k ish
  • Schools including Safety, Match, Reach (include ED/EA when applicable)
    U Mich: RD
    U Miami: RD
    Colgate: RD
    UW Madison: RD
    USC: EA deferred to RD

@Mvance1, I think you meant to start your own thread rather than posting on this thread about how to post a Chance Me/Match Me. You will want to select “New Thread” to start your own thread.

When you post, make sure to share whether or not the schools calculate your family’s Expected Family Contribution to be 40k-ish or not. Also, indicate if you’ve been accepted to any schools so far.

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