Chance Me Please [for MA/MS cognitive/educational psychology]

Demographics-- I’m from Florida but am open to anywhere in the U.S. I’m a first-gen, Hispanic woman.
Intended Major(s)-- Cognitive Psychology/Cognitive Science, Educational Psychology
UW GPA, Rank, and Test Scores–UW GPA: 3.61, Cum Laude Graduate, and no GRE scores
Coursework-- Research Methods, Statistics, Cognitive Processes, Psychopathology, Psychotherapy, Developmental Psychology, Public Speaking, Emotional Regulation Biology
Awards-- N/A
Extracurriculars (incl. summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)-- Volunteered in several research studies, but no relevant work or research experience.
Essays/LORs/Other-- I have two decent LOR
Cost Constraints / Budget-- Programs under 50k
Schools including Safety, Match, Reach (include ED/EA when applicable)-- So far, my reach is Teacher’s College at Columbia University for the Cognitive Science in Education Master’s Program.
#what-are-my-chances #match-me

What is your goal for after you get a Master’s degree? What kind of career are you looking for? Depending on what you’re interested in, it may be better to apply for doctoral programs than for a Master’s (and doctoral programs are usually funded…they pay you, you don’t pay them).

Also, where are you wanting to live after graduating? Depending on what you’re interested in doing career-wise, it may be wise to get your degree in the state where you plan to reside.

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