4.0 unweighted GPA (probably 3.9 after senior year)
4.6 weighted GPA
APs: Environmental Science, Art History, Spanish Language, English Literature, Biology, Calculus AB
Eleven honors classes-- won't list here
Just barely NOT in top 10% of class, class of about 400
Extremely competitive public high school in the southeast (not Texas or Florida)</p>
<p>SAT: 710 CR, 730 M, 790 W (one sitting) = 2230
SAT II: 710 Spanish, 770 MII</p>
Spanish Honors Society: Co-president
Spanish Singing group: Co-president
Elite, auditioned choral ensemble: Treasurer
Other slightly less-elite ensemble: Treasurer
Town youth council: Committee president
Community service: Currently 150 hours, lots of international service</p>
National Merit Semi-Finalist
State honors chorus
Spanish Honors Society
National Honors Society
Nominated for Principal's Leadership Award</p>
White, Jewish girl</p>
<p>Mentioned Wesleyan as one of my two top choices for National Merit mail-in thing</p>
<p>wesleyan’s admission office will likely send you a letter letting you know how thrilled they are that you have wes at the top of your list… and that they are excited to get your application. or they may not. but they have been known to do so in the past</p>
<p>Yes I got a response-to-the-National-Merit-thing letter a few months ago, and it is currently posted on my fridge with hearts drawn on in pink highlighter :)</p>
<p>Rushafrommyhouse: (Love the username!!)
I really have NO idea how I’m not in the top 10%. There definitely aren’t 40 kids with straight A’s because everyone with straight A’s becomes valedictorian, and usually there are 8 or 9 of those, not 40.
I’ve thought about it a lot but I have no good ideas.</p>
<p>One last Wesleyan question (as the ED date is in the very near future):</p>
<p>When I visited, Wes students all seemed to be confident/sophisticated/urban, which is something I’m not.
Would a thoughtful, sometimes-introverted (but very friendly), serious/intense (but not an an antisocial, cold way), intellectual (but not in a scary way) kid from suburbia find a niche? (How about kids who can’t control their parenthesis usage?)</p>
<p>Would I have to live in sub-free housing or Well-Being house to find kids who prefer Scrabble to sex parties? I don’t mind if people around me are drinking or whatever, but I’m not at all a loud or wild person myself and wouldn’t want to be alone in my dorm or something while everyone else is out partying on the weekends.</p>
<p>It’s hard to tell online whether a liberal atmosphere means politically-engaged students or down-for-whatever partiers/smokers. I’m guessing some of each.</p>
<p>Okay I guess that was more than one question.
<p>I’m not a Wes student (yet…assuming all goes well) but the impression I’ve always gotten from the school is that there are plenty of kids who prefer just hanging out with friends at night, watching movies or playing board games or whatever strikes their fancy. I’m one of those kinds of kids - although my ideal night would include an intense game of Risk in addition to Scrabble. ;-)</p>
<p>From what you described, I’m fairly similar to you. I like intellectual pursuits both inside the classroom and out. I’m straight-edge, so I’m usually bored by the typical party scene. But part of the reason why I love Wes so much is that there is a strong contingent of students who are like me in that respect. My sort of niche exists at Wes; it’s just a matter of finding it.</p>
<p>Good luck to you. Hope to see you on campus next fall!</p>
<p>Also – I am stupid and forgot to include being a National Merit Scholar on my application (though I hope to get that added in, and am emailing Wesleyan admissions).</p>
<p>I also only listed 4 hours/week of chorus stuff (all year), when it should be 9. j;alksjda;lksdjf;alkjsdf;aklsdf</p>
<p>you didn’t need to ask if you’re going to get in or not. the only reason you wrote that was so you could brag about all of your fabulous high school achievements. no one really cares. bye.</p>
<p>no, you won’t have to live in subst free dorm or house. you’ll find substance free people without a problem. after the first half of 1st sem, people calm down a bit and realize that they don’t want to get trashed every weekend.</p>
<p>don’t worry about friends in your niche. there will be plenty.</p>
<p>as for our “liberal atmosphere,” there is a healthy mix of a, b, a&b, or none of the above.</p>
<p>Veryscary, I’m sorry if I came off that way, but I really was (and am) legitimately worried about my application. I know I am probably too nitpicky about my application and once this process is over I’ll probably agree with you that asking about those little details was unnecessary, but I was not posting that information just to “brag about my fabulous high school achievements”. Sorry if I offended you (really), but lots and lots of people make “chance me” threads with similar (or very often better) stats; I think that just comes with the territory if you’re on a site like CC. If you don’t want to read others’ stats, don’t click on their threads.</p>