chance me please :)

<p>Gender: Female
State: New York
I'm Turkish
All-girls boarding school...class of 90 students (top 5% of my class)</p>

<p>UWGPA: 3.8-ish</p>

<p>SAT I:
Cr: 710
M: 780
W: 680
Total: 2170</p>

<p>SAT II: 790 Chemistry
780 Math II</p>

<p>AP Chem -5
AP Calc AB-4
will take
AP Physics C Mechanics
AP Physics C Magnetism & Electricity
AP Calc BC</p>

<p>Senior Year Schedule- AP Physics C. AP Calc BC. US History, English Electives, Spanish 4</p>

<p>EC: (main extracurriculars)
-School Newspaper: 10th,11th,12th; writer then section editor and now editor-in-chief; our school newspaper has been awarded the Silver Medalist Certificate for two years now by CSPA
-Internship at a biochemical university laboratory; 12th grade
-Swimming: since I was 9; broke school record;captain;varsity letter
-Harvard MIT Math Tournament: 10th,11th,12th; head of my school's group
-Piano: playing since I was 5
-Writing Tutor: 11th, 12th
-Math/Science Tutor: 12th
(I have a few minor ones like other sports, and some community service)</p>

AP Scholar
Spanish Award
National Merit Commended Scholar
One of the top scorers in the Math League for the past 3 years</p>

I worked both in a hotel (last year) and on a yacht in turkey (past two years)</p>

<p>any chance?</p>

<p>what are your recs and essays like?</p>

<p>i have a really unique/personal essay…and my recommendations are extremely good</p>

<p>youre in the mix</p>