Chance me please!

<p>Hey- so I saw this and I was curious as to my chances of getting in to UPenn.</p>

<p>I applied ED to the College of Arts and Sciences for Communications
Female/ White/ Public High School in Long Island, New York
Class doesn't rank- top 10%
Don't know my GPA on a 4.0 scale, but unweighted it is a 94.96, weighted 100.00</p>

<p>Took seven APs, two SUPAs- ap bio, calc, environmental, gov, euro, us, lit, and SUPA spanish and writing</p>

<p>SAT- 2140
w- 730, cr-710, m-700
SATII lit- 710, us- 700
ACT- 34

-General Chair (president) of Model Congress senior year, Delegate Chair junior year, involved since freshman year (9-present)
About a dozen best speaker awards
-Science Research- won many regional awards, was an Intel International Science and Engineering Fair finalist and won second place in environment at an International Sustainability competition (9-present)
-Co-founder and co-coordinator of the Alliance for the Protection of the Environment (non-profit organization)(11-present)
- Fragments literary magazine (12)
- Art club (12)
- It's Academic (9,10)
- Chamber Orchestra (10)
- National Honor Society (11-present)
- Varsity Winter track (8th grade- present)
All Division every year, various awards for leadership and being a scholar athlete
- Varsity Spring track (8th grade- present) Captain
All Division every year, various awards for leadership and being a scholar athlete
- Varsity Swimming (7th grade- present)
All County 11th and 12th grade, school record holder, scholar athlete
- Sponsored for Triathlons (2006-2007)
14th in nation for age group</p>

I've had like, five different jobs, often two at a time-
-worked at TCBY from 2005-2008 (13 hr/wk)
-campaigned for a guy running for congress summer '06 (9 hr/wk)
- worked at a pizza place september 2006- april 2007 (9hr/ wk)
- worked at a sleepaway camp as a counselor summer '08 (100+ hr/wk)
- worked as a hostess august 2008- present (13 hr/ wk)</p>

<p>my rec's were great, one made me cry. and my essays, i thought, were good (i wanna go into journalism so they better have been). interview went really well, but how much does that affect it?</p>

<p>let me know what you think. THANK YOU.</p>

<p>in for sure</p>

<p>Wow that’s a verryyyy impressive resume… ISEF/Great athlete/all those jobs. That’s crazy.</p>

<p>this is too funny… were actually the same person
hahhhahahhahaha i applied ed to penn as well, lsa for history
my school doesn’t rank as well, only does 10%
same sat score, same act score
and we even have some of the same extra curriculars (science research, track, camp counselor)!</p>

<p>thank you guys! anyone else? i feel like i have a decent package, but like nothing is ever enough. and the fact that i’m not a valedictorian scares me, because i’ve heard they only accept 40% of their valedictorians!</p>

<p>and that’s cool about us being the same person- hopefully we’ll both get in and become friends!</p>

<p>ahhh so yeah. anyone else PLEASE?</p>

<p>thank you, i love you all.</p>

<p>i think u have a great chance. good luck to us all! :)</p>

<p>Send in your ACTs only. Otherwise, fantastic chance.</p>

<p>I already sent in my SAT and ACT, because my SAT came out before I knew how well I did on the ACT.</p>

<p>And thanks, does anyone know what the impact of an interview is/ when decisions actually come out? Anyone else wanna chance me (please!)? Danke shon!</p>

<p>you’re so qualified I’m kind of scared now lolz…:)</p>

<p>aww thank you haha, good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Wait, now I’m starting to freak again. Will it matter that I didn’t take physics at all? They don’t offer AP physics in my school.</p>

<p>If your school doesn’t offer the AP class, the college won’t hold it against you that you didn’t take it. I wouldn’t worry, you have quite an impressive list of EC’s/work.</p>

<p>just wanted to update everyone, i got straight out rejected. thanks to everyone who chanced me!</p>

<p>I don’t know how that’s possible unless your interview/essays/teacher rec’s were just terrible.</p>

<p>interview was amazing, recs both made me cry they were so good.</p>

<p>i’ve no idea how either, but it is what it is. que sera sera.</p>