chance me please?

<p>School : UCLA
GPA: 3.3 - 3.4</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars: 100+ volunteer work, paid jobs throughout school. TAP certified. Member of honors society, Psi Beta, and Psychology Student Association</p>

<p>Special Circumstances: Attended University of British Columbia for first year and achieved only average grades because I was diagnosed as depressed because my best friend passed away. Following the recommendation of my counselor, I talked about this in my 2nd essay.
My grades have been around all A's for the next two years after, and I know that the evaluators take into consideration an applicant who has managed to turn her/his grades around significantly.</p>

<p>Can anyone tell me my chances of getting in for Fall 09'?</p>

<p>Thank you so much.</p>

<p>pretty decent shot id say, women’s studies isnt as competitve as say, biology or biz econ.</p>

<p>UCB- slight
UCLA- maybe/slight
UCM, UCR- you’re in fo sho</p>

<p>High-five, your going to a UC!</p>

<p>id say UCSB/UCSD/UCI are a lock, your gpa is over 2.9</p>