CHANCE ME please :)

<p>Location: Philadelphia Suburb (PA)
School: Top Public School
Sex: Female
Ethnicity: White
Current Grade: 11th</p>

<p>SAT I (first time scores, will probably take again)
CR 740
M 740
W 690
(total 2170)</p>

Math I 720
(will take Math II and French at the end of this year)</p>

<p>Haven't taken the ACT (should i definitley take it?)</p>

<p>GPA: 4.11 (W) 3.89 (UW)
<em>My school does not rank its students</em></p>

-This year i'm taking AP Psychology (will take test at the end of the year)
-This year i'm taking an integrated history/english class that prepares me for the AP English exam (although it is not classified as "AP") so I will probably take that at the end of the year also
-AP's i will take next year: AP Calc AB, AP French, AP Chem (or Bio, not sure) possibly AP English</p>

<p>ECs (including what i will do my senior year, but haven't done yet)
-Varsity Swimming (4 years)
-Waterpolo (4 years, probably 1 year as captain)
-Art Club (4 years, 1 year (probably 2) as treasurer)
-RSCCA (2) (a club supporting childhood cancer awareness)
-National Honor Society (2)
-Model United Nations (2)
-Physics Olympics (1)
-Church youth group (6 years, 1 year (probably 2) as activity coordinator)</p>

<p>Awards (not including any that i (hopefully?) will get the rest of this year and senior year):
-Honorable Metion for "Le Grand Concours-National French Contest"
-Distinguished Honors awards (one for each year of high school)
-Most Improved Sophomore (Swim Team)</p>

-Local small business (1 year)
-new job this summer....</p>

-"Freshman Mentor" (1 year)
-Local Art Center volunteer
-"National Societly for High School Scholars" (some thing i got in the mail, and registered for... i dont really know what it is)
-Red Cross Lifeguard Certified (CPR and AED Certified)
-Went on school trip to France and Italy</p>

<p>So I'm only a junior this year, so this is just to judge what I've done so far... these are the schools I'm considering... </p>

<pre><code>* Amherst C
* Colgate U
* C William and Mary
* Cornell U
* Georgetown U
* Kenyon C
* Northwestern U IL
* Penn State (Schreyer Honors College)
* Swarthmore C
* U Pennsylvania
* Vassar C
* Wesleyan U
* Williams C

<p>what do you think my chances are? are these all too much of a reach?
Also, anyone who has applied to/got into the Schreyer Honors College at PSU, please tell me about it!</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!!</p>

<p>bump .</p>

<p>Ah a fellow LAC hopeful. Your SAT is about in the same category as mine. Good but not great. GPA looks excellent as do you EC’s</p>

<p>i would put Amherst, Georgetown, Northwestern, Williams and UPenn as reaches for you
Swarthmore is a tossup because of your geographic location</p>

<p>otherwise everything you should more or less bank on getting into granted you write the essays at a level you know ur capable of</p>

<p>those reaches i listed are not impossible for you by any means. all im saying is that youll be a dime a dozen for the admission comittee</p>

<p>Thank you so much!!</p>

<p>bump .</p>

<p>Daman usually gives good feedback and I agree mostly with him. You have a competitive SAT score, a very good list of ECs, and an excellent GPA.</p>

<p>Since you are Junior, a retake on the SAT might not be a bad idea. If you hit the 2200+ mark, then I think Williams and Amherst begin to look like Matches instead of Reaches!</p>

<p>I believe that you have a quality application, but start on your essays early and don’t procrastinate them like me!</p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>

<p>thank you sasoo8! i’m definitely aiming to get a 2200+ next time a take the SATs</p>

<p>dont take the ACT unless ur a math/science kind of person. also u have to be very fast, which troubles most kids. i think u should try to stress ur academic side a bit more.</p>

<p>also, nshss is a scam so dont put it on a resume or college app bc it will just make u look foolish for being so gullible. good luck next year!</p>

<p>Agreed with both of the above posters. Your already good chances at those schools will go up A LOT.</p>

<p>j-hobbs-I slightly disagree, i’m TERRIBLE, and I mean TERRIBLE at both math and science and did tons better on the ACT, so you never know :slight_smile:
But, with your SATs being where they are, you should be able to pull them up, if not, try the act as well.</p>

<p>well i got a 35 on my act, but only a 2130 on my sat despite a 800 on the math section. i attribute that to my strong math abilities and science. i am more of a critical thinker, than an analyzer which i think the sat is more like. u dont hve to do much thinking on the act’s english and reading sections :)</p>

<p>You’re SAT Scores Are Obviously Competitive, And You Still Have Some Time To Raise Them Even More. </p>

<p>You’re ECs Show Commitment And You Have Quite A Few Leadership Positions.</p>

<p>You Have A Decent Distribution Of Schools. I’d Say Add One or Two Safeties, Just Because The Above Schools Are Definitely Not Too Predictable As far As Admissions Go. </p>

<p>Are They Listed In Order Of Favorite To Least? </p>

<p>-Good Luck And Good Work So Far.</p>