Chance Me Please!!!

<p>I can't believe I'm doing one of these, but I'm going to be that kid.</p>

<p>[ b]Stats:[ /b][ list]
[ *] SAT: 2040
[ *] SAT IIs: Spanish - 690
Math I -680
Bio Eco - 630 (ehh)
[ *] ACT: 32
[ *] GPA: 96.0500
[ *] Rank: 2 of 154
[ *] Other stats: Spent the entire last summer working at a prestigious lab down state doing cutting edge research towards finding a cure for Cystic Fibrosis. I also interned at another biology lab for several days and ended with a presentation in front of a roomful of scientists. I'm also on NHS (including a regional and state board of MNHS), Math Team for four years, volleyball, Swim Team (All-County), drama for four years including principle roles, involved in band and chorus including being accepted to the Maine All-State Honors Choirs. I also founded and am president of the first Spanish Club at my high school. I've received several awards including Gold Presidential Academic Award, Bausch and Lomb Science Award, High Honor Roll, and Honors 12 Award (given to seniors who took the most rigorous course load offered).
[ /list][ b]Subjective:[ /b][ list]
[ *] Essays: Pretty good, it was about my aquisition of the Spanish language and why I enjoy it so much
[ *] Teacher Recs: Amazing
[ *] Counselor Rec: Amazing
[ *] Hook (if any): A lot of science (including much professional lab experience). I also had a pretty good interview.
[ /list][ b]Location/Person:[ /b][ list]
[ *] State or Country: Northern Maine (WAYY UP North)
[ *] School Type: Public, 600 people
[ *] Ethnicity: Caucasian
[ *] Gender: Male
[ /list][ b]Other Factors:[ /b]
[ b]General Comments:[ /b] Also applying to Harvard, Dartmouth,Brown, Bowdoin, Bates, BC, and Amherst. Opinions on any of those or Middlebury would be much appreciated!</p>

<p>It looks like you have as good a shot as any, but admissions these days are so ultra competitive and unpredictable that you really just never know how the admissions committee will try and configure their next admitted class. A big part of Midd admissions is constructing a balanced student body, kids who are open-minded, well-rounded, passionate and all around wholesome, good people…scores and grades will only get you so far in the admissions pool. Between classes I worked at Midd admissions for all 4 yrs at Midd and would see some perfect SAT/ACT scores in the reject pile and some mediocre boards being admitted because of their outstanding interview reviews and the passion they showed in their essays. The fact that you wrote about Spanish for your essay is GREAT and will probably catch their eye, since as you most likely know Midd is keen on language-oriented students. I know they love team captains/committed athletes and musicians that are also accomplished in academics. Your passion for science may put you over the edge, since many kids don’t develop such a sophisticated interest so young, however it’s also important that you convince them that Midd is an appropriate place for you to pursue your scientific interests…otherwise they’ll assume you’re mostly applying to larger universities where scientific research is more expansive and prevalent. Either way, Midd admissions is VERY much about students that are balanced, adventuresome and intellectual. Listing scores is not a good way of inquiring about likely admittance…the admissions committee puts a HUGE wait on interviews, so hopefully that went well for you. BEST OF LUCK!</p>

<p>Alright, cool. Thanks, that helps out a lot. I was hoping they would look past my scores, because I felt that most of my schools would deem them as mediocre at best. My interview did go pretty well, but it was in a crowded Tim Hortons , which is like the Maine version of Dunkin’ Donuts. So, I kept having to ask her to repeat things cause it was hard to hear, and it was a slightly awkward situation. I prefer the quiet, more intimate environments, rather than distracting, open places. However, I think I did get the ‘impressed looks’ a couple times, so I’m hoping she looks past my difficulty hearing her haha.</p>

<p>sounds like your interviewer didn’t think things through with her interview location selection…not your fault, so I wouldn’t worry. I was a Biology/Spanish double major …sounds like a path you may take, so let me know if you have any related Q’s and best of luck!! One more thing…since you love Spanish, I’d suggest that even if you don’t end up attending Midd, you should still apply there for summer language school. IT’S THE MOST UNBELIEVABLE EXPERIENCE!! :)</p>

<p>Oh well… I was waitlisted</p>