Chance me please?

<p>Bay Area California
Junior, class of 2010

<p>SAT: 550 (Math), 500(Critical Reading), 560 (writing)
SAT IIs: French (730), Spanish (780), German (650), Math II (690) plan on taking korean and japanese senior year (projected scores from averages from practice test korean (680)/ japanese (580))
Can also speak Hatian Kreyol
AP Test: French (4), Spanish (4), World History (2), Spansih Literature (2)
Classes last semestre:
AP US History D- (yes, i know, summer school)
Spanish 4 [H] A-
French 4 [H] A
English 3 [H] A-
Precalculus [H] B
German 3 [P] A-
(4.0 this semestre; grades will stay the same. significant improvement from previous years)
10-11 weighted gpa: 3.550
rank: 44/257</p>

<p>Next Year Classes:
AP Lit
AP Calc AB
Physics Honors
German 4 Honors
Adv Visual Art
AP Gov't/Economics

<p>50hrs community service (in progress)
Kiwins( this year)
Badminton (three years)
Cross Crountry (this year)
Language tutor (three years)
Chocolate Club President (2years)
Completed Service Learning Project (Teaching students the fundermental of world cultures)</p>

<p>I was wondering if I could get into Middlebury, UCB, or UCSC, USC.
I plan on double majoring in Linguistics and Sociology.</p>

<p>You’ve got a good chance at UCSC, but the others are all pretty substantial reaches, despite the URM boost. Your SATs and GPA are quite low for USC, UCB, and Middlebury .</p>

<p>how many languages do you speak?</p>

<p>just the ones that are on there</p>