<p>[ *] State or Country:California
[ *] School Type, Average Stats of School (if available): Troy High School: ranked 3rd in California, extremely competitive public high school
[ *] Ethnicity:Asian
[ *] Gender:Female
[ *] applying for Letters of Science Molecular Biology</p>
<p>[ *] SAT I (by section): 2000 (740 m, 620 w, 660cr) not sure if I should retake it since I might not have time to study for it more over the summer
[ *] SAT IIs: 760 math2c, 750 us history, 730 biology m
[ *] GPA, Weighted and Unweighted: 4.0 weighted 3.37 unweighted(messed up sophomore year) hopefully my gpa will continue to go up 1st semester of senior year
[ *] Rank: top 20%?
[ *] ACT:N/A
[ *] APs (including this year’s): AP Euro (3) AP Compsci A (2) still waiting… AP Biology, AP Compsci AB, AP US (Im predicting atleast 3s for all three of them)
[ *] IBs (including this year’s: N/A
[ *] Senior Yr Courseload: AP Government/AP Econ Macro, Marching/Symphonic Band, AP Calculus AB, AP Japanese, World/British Lit, AP Physics B
[ *] Number of Apps from Your School: ALOT
[ *] Other stats (Awards, etc.): Directors Award for Band, 6 consecutive years Superior for Solo and Duet in Junior Festival (piano), Advanced Level (level 10) in MTAC all levels have been honors in playing and theory (piano), CSF, NHS candidate (not sure if I got into it yet), </p>
<p>[ *] ECs:
10 years of Piano
6 years of Johns Hopkins Universitys Center for Talented Youth summer program. (Took all 6 years of science related classes at universities 3 of them have to do with Biology (Intro to Biomed, Genetics, Genomics)).
100+ hours of community service
Tutor kids in instruments (French horn, trumpet, trombone, clarinet, piano)
4 years of Jazz Band
4 years of Key Club
3 years of Marching Band (Assistant Historian, French Horn Section Leader)
2 years of Belief Society (Treasurer)
1 year of Science Days</p>
<p>[ *] Job/Work Experience: internship at Cal State University Fullerton. Assisted in research and laboratory procedures of HSP70 proteins
[ *] Essays (subject and responses): going to be pretty good
[ *] Hook (TASP, RSI, Research, etc.): not really any
<p>I’d give you about an 85% chance of getting in. Your GPA is right on par, and your SATs are above the average, so your EC’s should push you over the top provided you write a decent essay.</p>
<p>Good luck!</p>
<p>thanks dmission! :]</p>
<p>No problem – have you decided which UC’s you want to attend yet?</p>
<p>of course i want to apply to UC berkeley since their bio prgram is amazing (but my chances are bleak) , ucla, ucsd, ucd, and ucsb those are the UCs i’m goin for :D…i hope my 6 years with johns hopkins will help give me a slight edge =]</p>
<p>I must point out that Davis is definitely one of the top universities someone can go to for Biology.
Behind Berkeley, but above the rest of the UCs I would say. And yeah, I’m sure that experience will help, haha.</p>
<p>davis is a top for biology?..really?..i mean most of the things i have heard is that uc davis is one of the lower ends for bio (no offence this is just what i’ve heard)…like after berkeley would be sd, la, irvine, n then davis…this is just waht i’ve heard</p>
<p>Definitely not the lower end. Here’s the thing about this – in terms of undergraduate academics, the biology you’ll learn will be the virtually the exact same at all the UC’s. Where the specific school does start to matter is when you get into the position where you’re looking at jobs or grad schools. They’ll want to see both a high GPA, combined with lots of undergraduate research, etc. That said, the ranking of your undergrad school in biology will also have an impact. For Bio, along with Davis, you’ll see that SD, LA, and B are good as well. The rankings will change depending on where you look, but if you go by the ARWU (fairly standard), for example, you’ll see that Davis is right above LA and 1 slot below Berkeley.
Site here: [field[/url</a>]</p>
<p>I do however believe that Davis will be easier to maintain a high GPA in, due to the lax nature of the students and the non-competitive attitude that people tend to have here. The undergrad opportunities here are also amazing. You can see this thread for more information on that:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-davis/473573-uc-davis-biology.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-california-davis/473573-uc-davis-biology.html](<a href=“http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/ARWU-FIELD2008/LIFE2008.htm]field[/url”>http://ed.sjtu.edu.cn/ARWU-FIELD2008/LIFE2008.htm)</a></p>
<p>Having said all this, I strongly encourage you to visit all the possible campuses and ask questions that you have. After all, you’ll be there for 4 years, you want to like it.</p>
<p>Let me know if you have any other questions, hopefully this was helpful.</p>
<p>this was beyond helpful! thanks so much =] i’m glad a UC that i can get into has a good bio program =]</p>
<p>No problem, let me know if you have any other questions.</p>
<p>after looking around on the UCD website, i was wondering what the difference was between a genetics major and a molecular bio major…both seem equally interesting to me and i was wondering which i should apply for…thanks in advance dmission!</p>
<p>If both seem equally interesting to you, go with the one that you think would be more likely to help you in a future career. Are you planning on getting a job after your bachelors degree or are you going to pursue a goal such a medical school or graduate school? If you study genetics, you can choose one of a few tracks: molecular genetics, embryology, developmental genetics and bacteriology. If one of these is really appealing, go for that one – if you’re interested you’re more likely to get a high GPA in it. If you go with molecular bio on the other hand, you’ll do more chemistry, including organic, as well as more advanced biological topics. Where are you planning to go with your education?</p>
<p>These might have been the sites you mentioned, but just in case, take a look at these:
[UC</a> Davis :: Academics](<a href=“Majors | UC Davis”>Majors | UC Davis)
[UC</a> Davis :: Academics](<a href=“Majors | UC Davis”>Majors | UC Davis)</p>
<p>you’ll get in
I got in this year and my stats are nowhere as amazing.</p>
<p>thanks hermanliu320! =]</p>
<p>dmission: i want to go to graduate school at a top university (ivyleague, jhu), but one this is that i dont think my chemistry is that strong, i didnt get an A in it sophmore year taking chem honors =_<em>=x…so i’m not that sure. also would it matter which major i take if i want to do either research as a career or something along the line of genetic counseling O</em>O</p>
<p>You always can work on Chemistry - the main concern should be if you enjoy it or not. Either will work for graduate school, but obviously genetics would prepare you better for a career in genetic counseling :D</p>
<p>Seeing as you’re already from CA, I think you’re shoe-in!</p>
<p>hmmm…that’s a really hard decision to make =__=x…do i enjoy chem?..iono…lol…i think of it more as a necessary evil lol…hmmm…do u happen to know which is better as in professor and classes wise?</p>
<p>thanks wallfleur! =]</p>
<p>There are really so many teachers in each, not sure if my view would really mean much, but for what it’s worth, I have had some great Bio teachers so far. As for Chem, it’s more an even split - some great and some not-so-great. =P</p>
<p>just curious…why did u choose to go to davis instead of lets say the other UCs?</p>