CHANCE ME please!

<p>Hello all,</p>

<p>I am a senior and will apply priority to UW (psychology major)</p>

<p>I go to a competitive large public school in Illinois
Upward trend in grades throughout high school.
Course load was kind of rigorous. I will have taken 6 AP's by the time I graduate (Latin Lit, Latin Vergil, US Hist, Calc AB, Psych, Bio) and several honors level classes.
W GPA: 2.96/4 (Weakest part of my app... did not try at all my freshman and soph years but got straight A's junior.)
UW GPA: 3.33/4
School doesn't rank
ACT: 31
Part time job over summer</p>

<p>Visited a third world country over summer 2007 (2 months) to volunteer at elementary schools there and taught the kids basic English (abc's, simple words) and basic mathematics.</p>

<p>Went to the same third world country over summer 2009 to work with a team of doctors at a hospital to teach impoverished families about hygiene, different diseases, the importance of immunization, etc. Amounts to ~ 200 hours.</p>

<p>Several state awards for Nat. Latin Exam, not much else.</p>

<p>Resident of Illinois
sub 40k income

<p>What are my chances at the Liberal Arts college?</p>

<p>Thank you all</p>


<p>That ACT + Upward trend in grades is huge. You have to get a high set first semester your senior year. Are you a targeted minority?</p>

<p>I’m not a targeted minority (1st gen afghanistan immigrant). I just hope my fresh/soph years don’t ■■ me. I’m confident I can pull off a straight A 1st semester senior yr. Thanks for your help.</p>

<p>I don’t see how your W GPA can be lower than your UW with all those APs. If your UW GPA is correct as given, your chances are good.</p>

<p>bumping this… thanks for all your replies</p>

<p>Restate your gpa- how can they LOWER it with weighting? You get admitted to the university as a whole, it does not matter which school/college you enroll in. Some competitive programs need further application later in your college career. BTW- do your homework. If you are interested in a school read its website- a lot of info there. You can learn as much as we can and answer many of your own questions.</p>

<p>Also, there is no “priority” application to UW. Apply before February 1st to get equal consideration. If you apply before November 1st, you just get your decision sooner.</p>

<p>That is indeed my UW GPA (3.33/4). My school uses a different scale (max 5.0 UW, max 6.0 W) but I converted both to a 4.0 scale.</p>


<p>The confusion about your GPA occurs because your UW GPA is higher than your W GPA. I am not aware of how that is possible. </p>

<p>Just to be clear, Weighted GPA’s are usually higher than Unweighted GPA’s. Usually, in a weighted system, an Honors course will add 0.5 points to the earned grade. AP and IB courses are given an extra 1.0 points. Perhaps you have inadvertently switched your GPA’s and you meant to state that your UW GPA = 2.96 and your W GPA = 3.33</p>

<p>I’m a senior too and my weighted GPA is also lower than my unweighted. It is possible apparently, but I’m not exactly sure how.</p>

<p>I am curious, so I need to ask. Do either of you take remedial courses that somehow reduce the points given for the grade earned?</p>

<p>I have not taken any courses that reduce points given for a grade… only regular level/honors/AP level classes. I can see how it is confusing that my UW is higher, but I am certain that those are the correct numbers.</p>

<p>I think it’s because you converted your weighted GPA to a 4 point scale. More typically weighted is on a 5 point scale. Did you do a mathematical conversion of some sort or did you recalculate your GPAs from scratch using the more typical 4 point scale? Then for weighted add .5 for honors semesters and 1 for AP semesters.</p>

<p>It is interesting to see how the students don’t seem to have gotten the point about how adding weight to a gpa can lower it- counterintuitive and against laws of known physics, hmm- has to be the inconsistent conversion.</p>