Chance me please!

<p>GPA: 3.71 (weighted) [I was able to pull this up from a 3.56 at the beginning of last year. I have steadily increased my grades since freshman year]
School type: Higher education, not private, but a top public. 73rd of National
Class rank: unknown, but our school has about 500 kids graduating.
ECs: JC Homework Club Volunteer [Elementary School] 2x
Hospital Volunteer 2x
American Red Cross - Youth Council 2x
American Red Cross - Safe Rides 2x
Stand By Me Club 1x
Red Cross Club - Secretary 2x
Peer Mentor Club 3x
Cancer Awareness Club - President 2x
Homecoming Committee (If that even counts for anything) 1x
National Honors Society 1x
Marine Bio Club 2x
Current Classes: AP Psych
AP Environmental Science
Honors French 4
Honors Short Fiction
Pre-Calc 1
SAT: 1810 [I know this is really low for them to accept]
Jobs: Counter Help at local ice-cream store
Camp Counselor for Boy Scouts of America Camp
Various Babysitting
Teacher Recs: Two. One science, one social studies. Both liked me, did well in their classes, interacted a lot with them.
Counselor Rec: Somewhat close, but he's written me reccommendations before, and they were good.
Applied: Monday, October 19th.
Essays: For the activities one, I talked a lot about Cancer Awareness Club and what messages we try to make the community aware of, included Relay for Life. My other one was a creative essay, to demonstrate writing ability.
Residency: Graduating from Connecticut School, but will be able to get instate due to reciprocity terms.
Extras: Have visited college twice, and signed in. (if that even helps)
I have been a part of the honors system since sophmore year, and have slowly worked my way up so almost all of my classes have honors credit.
Intended Major: Psychology along with Anthropology or Sociology, minor in Criminology if available or French.
Gender: Female</p>

<p>This is my number one school. Like number one. </p>

<p>So, please Chance Me!!</p>

<p>Without uw GPA and class rank I don’t know that anyone can say anything meaningful. SAT is just below middle 50%. Probably should have tried ACT if it’s that important to you. The rest looks very good. Reciprocity with CT? That must be one little known program.</p>

<p>Uh, are you sure Wisconsin has reciprocity with Connecticut? You may want to double check that. I found nothing of the sort. The only state that we have reciprocity with (for universities) is Minnesota. </p>

<p>Unless you’re talking about something other than reciprocity. Or I’m wrong. But I would think reciprocity with Connecticut would be a little more known.</p>

<p>Yeah, there’s this whole thing with my dad living in MN. He’s checked in to it. </p>

<p>My unweighted is 3.428
and my school doesn’t do class rank</p>

<p>According to the infamous chart you’re probably in the 30-40% range with rigor, ECs, recs being the wildcards. I think you may be postponed but obviously no one here really knows.</p>

<p>So postpone? That’s deferred, right?</p>

<p>For my school, the average accepted for them is 3.9. Which is on honors scale. We have a site that tells us this info. </p>

<p>Well, that sucks. </p>

<p>So you’re saying the ACTs would have been better for Midwestern schools?</p>

<p>At this point, how much will reccs and essays count for?</p>

<p>From the various results we’ve seen so far, your test scores+GPA probably aren’t going to cut it for getting accepted right away. Perhaps after deferral</p>

<p>Midwest schools will accept either ACT or SAT but they get many more apps with the ACT. I’m saying it may be that you would have done better on the ACT had you taken it too. Recs and essays are just real wildcards, not much more to say.</p>

<p>You could email your admission counselor at UW and see if the December ACT would be in time to be considered. Needs to be with writing. Also, get the best grades you can this semester.</p>

<p>coldecoffee, then you probably shoulda been clearer. :B</p>

<p>And you won’t get instate tuition. You get the tuition of U of M. In-state tuition for Madison is $8313 for the year, and for Minnesota residents it’s $10318. </p>

<p>You also have to apply for reciprocity, but because you have been living in Connecticut and not in Minnesota with your dad, you may get denied. (Although my guess is you won’t get denied, because they aren’t that mean, and the terms of having parents living in different states, etc.)</p>

<p>College admissions don’t go to the students who want it most, be prepared to love another school as well as UW. Postponement means you are an acceptable candidate but that they won’t know if they will have room for you until they know how many others with better credentials apply. Students still have over 3 months to apply so they have to keep spaces available. Some of the best students wait until the last minute to apply.</p>