Chance me please! :)

<p>Asian female
Chance me for all UCS please!! :DD</p>


Unweighted: 3.33
Soph: 3.71, 3.43 Junior: 3.29, 3.0
Weighted: 3.71
Soph: 4, 3.71 Junior: 3.71, 3.43</p>

SAT 1 1750; M=650 W=480 R=600
(Taking in December, aiming for 2,200)
SAT 2; Japanese =660</p>

World history 3
US History 2
Psychology 3
Chemistry 2</p>

<p>Courses 9th-11:
4 APS 1 honors; 3 City College Courses which I got A’s in.</p>

<p>Senior Classes:
AP Calculus AB
AP English
AP Government
AP Japanese
AP Phyiscs B
AP Economics
Advanced Journalism
college and career
general Business course at city college</p>


  1. Dragon boat team (drummer, paddler, race captain) 4 years
  2. buildOn club (Vice president) 3 years
  3. California scholarship Federation (3 years)
  4. Peer mentor/coach (2 years)
  5. Committee at school (Cochair) 3 years
  6. Track and field 2 years
  7. Spirit committe 2 years</p>


  • service leader awards
  • 1st and 2nd place dragon boat medals
  • miss teen chinatown scholarship finalist
  • charity princess
  • good student award from chinese school</p>


  • Swimming instructor at ucsf (3 months)
  • Senior Companion (3 months)
  • Small Business Store (1 year); coached/train employees
  • Tutor 2 months + still going</p>


  • Volunteers Club 200 hours @ various events (4 years)
  • Lagunda Honda (spirit coordinator) 3 months
  • Bryant Day Care center 3 months</p>

<p>Summer Programs
-Accounting Career Awareness Program summer residency at UCBerkeley

  • Outward Bound Youth Leadership Corps</p>

<p>THANK YOU! <3 xoxo
thisgirl7 is online now</p>

<p>UCB: Reach
UCLA: Reach
UCSD: Low Reach
UCD:Low Match
UCI:Low Match
UCSB:Low Match

<p>Despite your amazing ECs and courseload, your GPA and SAT scores are pretty low(except if you really get a 2200 in Dec- then congrats!) since the UC highly based on these scores. (that’s why there’s the UC grading system)
Plus, your ethnicity and the school cutting budget this year is going to greatly effect your chances. </p>

<p>hope that helps</p>

<p>IT definitely does! Thanks a lot! :)</p>

<p>while i agree with archi’s assessments, your ethnicity will not help or hurt you at all. it is not considered in UC decisions</p>

<p>They say it doesn’t affect you, but there are so many asians within the UC system (I’m asian, btw.) and it’s not like we’re an underrepresented minority, anymore.</p>

<p>There are so many asians because asians have performed in high school in a way that pleases UC admissions committees. It could be 95% asian and that would not give an asian a lesser shot. It would be ILLEGAL for them to consider race.</p>

<p>Your EC’s are great, but your GPA is a bit low for the mid and top tier UCs. I’m sure you’ll get accepted into UCR, UCM, and UCSC. UCI, UCSB, and UCD are slight reaches, and UCSD, UCLA, and UCB are high reaches. Good luck in getting into UCs! :]</p>