<p>Hi guy! I really appreciate you all taking the time for this. I wanted to get some of your opinions. I'm new to this site, so I don't really know the status quo or protocol, so please help me along! :)</p>
<p>I'm an upper middle class asian female. I think that hurts my chances alot, right? :(</p>
<p>SAT: 2400
GPA: 4.0 unweighted, 4.7 weighted
APs: 8 all 5's except for one 4, will graduate with 15 total
bio: 780
Math IIC: 800
Chem: 800
US history: 780
Chinese: 800</p>
Girl Scout Gold Award (equivalent of an Boy Scouts Eagle Award)
First degree black belt
Summer job @ the city hall for 3 years
Southern California Edison Challenge finalist (a science award)
I play at my local orchestra (flute) and plan to send in a musical supplement
strong leadership in a political debate club called JSA: I am elected a state position.
member of NHS and CSF for all my years of high school
Head of my school's Key Club
attended a weeklong political symposium at UCLA
took calculus III (calculus after calc BC) at the local community college.</p>
<p>Is this enough to get me into Stanford? Harvard? Princeton? UC Berkeley?</p>
<p>bump? am I allowed to bump?</p>
<p>oh, I forgot to mention, I’ve been in varsity tennis for three years</p>
<p>This is your biggest asset (because, yes, despite pristine stats your race will hurt). Milk it. Is there something more you can accomplish in this position other than just holding it. I’m not exactly sure what JSA is so I don’t have any advice, but if you use that position to get something accomplished, that’s more impressive than tennis or NHS or any other club that twelve thousand other people are involved with.</p>
<p>I think with your statistics, you’re almost in. You should probably emphasize the leadership positions a little more in your essays or whatever. This should outweigh what is generally seen as the negative of being an Asian female.</p>
<p>I’m am absolutely sure you will get in. </p>
<p>Do you mind if I post a question?</p>
<p>Hi everyone, I’m Polorbear121,</p>
<p>My GPA is 3.97, I am from a low-income family (below $2000)</p>
<p>I have an SAT score of 1990</p>
<p>And I have done extracurricular activities:</p>
<pre><code> -volunteered at a hospital for 3 years, held the leadership position
- earned a Presidential Volunteering award while doing so
- Debate clud for 3 years, went to metro finals
- Symphony orchestra, 5th out of 18, for 4 years
- have been playing for 8-9 years and will continue playing the viola at college.
-NHS (National Honor Society)
- EHS (English Honor Society)
- FHS (French Honor Society)
- Have been in french for all high school up to AP level
- Have taken/plan to take 9 APs (Bio, AB Calc, World Hist, US History, Psych,
French, AP Lit, AP Lang, AP Govt)
- Have taken physics honors, Alg 2 honors, and geometry honors, and Alg 1 honors.
(but not precalc hnrs)
<p>My question is, </p>
<p>What are my chances of getting into UVA? (because I know I might not make it into the
Ivy Leagues…I wish I could though…) </p>
<p>(Oh, I live in Virginia too, I’m sure that’s a bonus.)</p>
<p>Oh, volunteered at a library too…for 2 years</p>
<p>Hi PolorBear! Like I said, I’m not familiar with colleges that much, so I doubt i’ll be able to give you an accurate chancing. I wish you the best of luck though! 
Thanks all of you for your advice!</p>