Chance me, please

<p>I'm so worried I won't get into any colleges I apply to:</p>

<p>I am a white female from a single parent home in the south applying to:
Vassar (ED)
Sarah Lawrence

<p>(I already have a definite safety that do to grades and scores I am guaranteed admission at)
3.69 GPA (Honor Roll all four years)
8 APs total
28 ACT score (without studying, I'm studying and retaking it again in the fall)
Took a film class at University of Virginia for additional college credit</p>

Captain of the Speech Team (I'm ranked 6th in the state and have won numerous awards)
Varsity Cross Country
Founded a book club
Women's History Month Committee
Spent two weeks in South Dakota volunteering on an Indian Reservation
Have made numerous films (narrative and documentary)
Helps to run film club
Founded another film club for children in a trailer park community
Have many more hours of community service from teaching the autistic and refugees how to make movies
Published in the lit mag several times
I have a blog where I regularly publish film review; I'm very passionate about film.
Will most likely have film reviews published in school paper.
School plays</p>

<p>Work Experience:
Assistant taught pottery classes for children
Appeared in public service ads
The strength of applications will probably be my essays and recommendations. </p>

<p>so it would be lovely if you could chance me for those schools...</p>

<p>also I was accepted into the University of Virginia film contest (normally only for college students)</p>

<p>what were your AP Scores and did you take the SAT? is your GPA weighted?</p>

<p>my gpa is unwighted. i’m not going to send my sat scores (780,780, 570). i don’t understand how my ap scores would affect admission.</p>