Chance me! plez..

<p>SAT (CR: 600, M: 760, W: 650)
SAT II (Math IIC: 790, Chinese: 800, Bio: 650)
AP (Cal AB: 4, Chinese: 5)
TOEFL: 112
GPA: 3.96 </p>

MUN - 2 yrs, attended 5 conferences
Music Club - 2 yrs, President
Volunteer Work Club - 2 yrs, Committee head
English class in Korean Church - 3 yrs, Middle School Teacher
Community Service Trip to GanSu (China) - 2 times, 160 hours
HS Choir - 1 yr, President
Working in father's company for 6 months </p>

<p>Recommendation letters: SUPER!</p>

<p>Essay: good but not outstanding</p>

<p>BTW..I'm Korean..
It bothers me bcuz I heard dat UNC accepts only few international students...
Do I hav a shot?...</p>

<p>oh! and i'm talking abt RD</p>

<p>i’d say you’re borderline; but, for rd should be fine.</p>