Chance me pls

Gpa: weighted/ unweighted before senior year:
Engineering undecided
Female Asian
Va- nova
Sat:1420 math:760 reading:660 essay:8,7,7
First sem senior year grades:
Multivar calc: A-(1.0 boost)
AP stat: A
AP psych: A
AP lit: A-
Stem engineering:A(.5 boost)
AP bio:C+( first C in hs transcript :// but I’m determined to get into up to a b plus by end of year hopefully)
Gov honors: A

Midyear geades already sent to tech( so guessing updated gpa 4.25 ish or a bit higher maybe? )
Wrote three essays- pretty good
Counselor recc-10/10
Didn’t send in AP exam scores
Extracurriculars- pretty good, consistant clubs, President/founder in of them,lot of shadowing/volunteering experience
Sports: freshman girls softball
Reallyyy want to go to tech engineering
Thank youuu

I think you should be good!

VTech looks like a match for you. That being said nothing is guaranteed. Good Luck!

If you don’t get in then I don’t stand a chance!

Thank you all so much!!