<p>I want to major in BME:
Duke (maybe ED...??)
NC state
Georgia Tech
any others...???</p>
<p>im a junior:
GPA: 4.4 weighted...i don't really understand unweighted...if a 10 point scale, 3.96...if on a 7 point scale..3.6-3.7
Class rank: top 10% (unofficial)
SAT: First time w/o studying 1770 (really bad day)...now hoping for a 2100+
ACT: should I consider taking it?
Will have taken 7 APs by end of senior year: Spanish, English, US history, Statistics, Bio, Physics, Calc
So far: 5 on stats...haven't taken any of the others yet..but hoping for a 4 or 5 on each
Subject Tests: planning on taking Biology E/M (took it today-thought i did badly might retake) and Math II
Most of my other classes are honors and in a Math Sci speciality center (magnet)</p>
-Robotics (10, 11) Strategy lead (11, 12) Co-Captain (12)
-Key Club (11, 12)
-Jr. Keyettes (9,10) Treasurer (10)
-Metro Teen (community service club) (9,10,11)
-Science Fair (9,10,11,12)
-Volleyball (10)
-NHS (11, 12)
-Beta Club (11,12)
-Math Modeling (11,12)
-should i do other clubs to boost my ec's??</p>
<p>Community Service:
-Hospital; elderly; children; etc...
-will have 300+ by the end of senior year.</p>
<p>Asian Female who lives in Virginia</p>
<p>I think I should say right off the bat that FIRST Robotics is a big plus
Theres a lot of scholarships/awards dedicated specifically to that extra curricular so that’ll give you a leg up when applying
Your GPA is very solid, and the only thing hurting you is your SAT score. Get that up to +2100 and your chances will improve dramatically. As it stands right now…</p>
<p>UVA- good shot
Duke (maybe ED…??)- high reach
VCU- ? i dont know much about this school, sorry
NC state- very good shot
Georgia Tech- good shot</p>
<p>If you get your SAT score up, I’d say you could even aim higher- places like UNC, Northwestern, and the UCs (UCLA, UCI, USC, etc)…GL!
p.s. chance me back if you have time? :P</p>
<p>If math is your thing stick with SAT, if not go for the ACT. Actually, consider it either way i think its great just to have a different test. Other than that, i think if you write good essays, some of those schools are within your range for sure</p>
<p>just looked again, i think uva and georgia tech shouldnt be too hard if you pull up your SAT scores</p>
<p>Hey msmalik428, I think that you’re a good applicant and I rate you like this:</p>
<p>UVA: Good chance/slight reach
Duke (ED): High Reach (sorry, raise the SAT hopefully
NC State: Safety
VCU: Match
Georgia Tech: Match</p>
<p>Chance me back, sorry don’t know how to post link 
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/699897-am-i-track-ivies-duke-wake-vanderbilt.html”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/699897-am-i-track-ivies-duke-wake-vanderbilt.html</a></p>
Duke (maybe ED…??)-reach
VCU-don’t know
NC state-safty
Georgia Tech-low match</p>
<p>I say, youre pretty much in at every school that you listed except for UVA and Duke. I say UVA is a reach and Duke is a high reach for you. But you still have a good shot so i say go for it. </p>
<p>Chance me back?
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/708592-chances-getting-into-brown.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/708592-chances-getting-into-brown.html</a></p>