CHANCE ME PLZ!! Thanks!!

<p>Hey guys i need an honest opinion on what you guys think my chances are for getting in UM.</p>

<p>UW: 3.557
W: 3.64</p>

Chem 2
Phys 2
Alg 2
Eng 12</p>

Comp Gov
Chinese 4

<p>Sats: 1870 - not turning in
act - 30 superscore</p>

<p>National Honor Society
Co founder of local bike repair shop (locally recognized and written about)
vice president of animation club (word.)
project leader for green team
Physical therapy volunteer 200 hours
key club
DECA 2 years
^^ cant remember if there's more</p>

<p>Chances? Thanks guys!</p>

<p>Hey, </p>

<p>I have similar stats to you…</p>

<p>I think you have a reasonably good chance. I wouldn’t bank on UM, but don’t rule it out. Your ACT is solid but your GPA is a bit below average.</p>

<p>In short I’d say you have a fair shot at getting in. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>My act is 30 superscored too, fingers crossed that it’s good enough for a scholarship. But I think you’ll be accepted</p>