Chance Me: PLZZZZ

I’m a current high school (In Pennsylvania) that already been admitted to the following schools: Southern Methodist University,Temple, Villanova, University of Pittsburgh, and Duquesne University.

My admission is still pending at the following schools: American University, University of Pennsylvania, and UNC Chapel Hill. Chance me for these please!

Weighted GPA: 99.589 (Upward trend since sophmore year)
AP Courses: Chemistry, Biology, US History, Physics 1&2, Microeconomics
Class Rank: 12/354 (hoping to move up at the end of the year)
Personal Info: Female, African American (Nigerian)
Intended Major: Biology

ECs: Vice President of my class Freshman year, President of my class since Sophmore year
Lab internships/research at UPENN, and the University of Washington that past 4 summers (7-8 weeks)
Chosen as one of 5 members STEM Competition group
Fellowship of Chrisitian Students Vice President
Track and Field Captain 2x (volunteering work done here)
NHS Member
Tutoring (volunteer)
Team Leadership Club
Chamber Orchestra (Freshman and Sophomore Year)

Science Student of the Month (for the entire county)
National Abstract Competition ( I was flown out to Puerto Rico to present my research)
2x Track Team MVP
Rookies of the year : Track (freshman year)
State Ranked Track and Field Runner
TSA Top five finisher (regionals)
Honor Roll every quarter since freshman year

Essays: Good, worked on them for some time before submitting. Had them reviewed by people I trust.
Letter of Recommendations: 8/10 Executive committee advisor, I’m supposing it was ok
10/10 Bio teacher that I’ve spent 3 semesters in class with, one of mt favorite teachers
