<p>I already applied ED to Penn for the M&T Program (Wharton+Engineering).
I just want to know what my shots are, I guess...</p>
<p>Essays: Good, I'm told.....!!</p>
<p>Test Scores:
SAT CR: 700
SAT Writing: 740 (11 Essay)
SAT Math: 800
SAT II Math 2: 740
SAT II Chem: 800</p>
<p>Class Rank: 1 of 274
Weighted GPA: 100.281
Unweighted GPA: 97.805
(I went to another school for my freshman to junior year. I was ranked 1 there too. My old school didn't offer AP or IB classes though. I took the hardest courseload there, and I'm taking 3 APs here for my senior year.)
I also studied US History and Intro to Calc at UPenn Summer '07 (B+ in history, A in calc)
I studied Gen. Chemistry at Harvard Summer '08 (A-)</p>
<p>Extra Curriculars:
Varsity Tennis (4 years, first 3 years on the boys' team....I'm a girl)
School Newspaper (Staff Member-freshman, Arts&Entertainment Editor-sophomore, Editor-in-Chief-junior)
Envirothon Team (Member-freshman, Junior Captain-sophomore, Captain-junior; won 2nd place twice)
Model U.N. (3 years)
HealthQuest Team (junior year, won 1st place)
NHS, Mathletes (senior year, member)
Class Vice President (freshman), President (sophomore)
Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (went to states 3 years in a row, got 1st place at states once)
Three Rivers Young Peoples Orchestra (Served as Principal and Concertmaster, and Assistant Concertmaster on a tour that played for the President of the USA)
District, Regional, and State Orchestras (got 1st chair in District and Regions once, went to States every year, sat 3rd chair at States junior year, Pending All-Eastern Application)
Girl Scout (up to senior scout, got my silver award)
Hospital Volunteer
Active church member, served as youth deacon, and went on a Haiti Medical Mission Trip, and am going to a West Virginia Mission Trip. I also ran the VBS at my church, and was the founder and leader of the children's choir, a member of the adult choir, a substitute organist, and member of the bell choir).
HOBY Ambassador sophomore year, HOBY leader junior year
Academic League (3 years, Co-Captain)</p>
<p>Work Experience:
Performer for special events (violin)
Violin/piano teacher (studied violin privately for 13 years, and piano for 11 years)
Private tutor (also volunteer tutor through the school)</p>
Scholar/Athlete Award (junior year)
Zonta Amelia Earhart Service Award
National Discovery Educator Network Poster Contest (1st place)
Pending National Merit Scholarship
(Other Awards were mentioned previously)</p>
<p>Do you think I have a chance at M&T?</p>