<p>Ethnicity: Asian
Specialized Highschool in NYC</p>

<p>88 Average (upward trend until this term senior year)</p>

<p>1430 / 2060</p>

<p>700 - US History
730 - Biology M</p>

<p>4/4 - AP US / BIO</p>

Swim team - 3 Years
A few summer programs
Secretary of the Science Club</p>

<p>Really paranoid because of the economy, and the number of applicants this year!</p>

<p>Decent chance. The only thing that could really hurt you is your GPA and lack of EC’s. Bing tends to place some more emphasis on those things compared to other schools-specifically SUNYs. Nice job on your SATs…good luck!</p>

<p>Well… test scores are higher than mine :). EC’s?</p>

<p>As long as your taking 4/5 aps this year id say your in. The fact you coming from stuy/bronx sci or whatever will help a lot. They will compare your gpa much higher than some school in utica. Id say your in.</p>