Chance Me? Princeton or Yale SCEA 2023

@WhoKnows2023 if you put claims like “Lab Researcher @ UT Southwestern (proposed and researching my own project about stem cells with over $18 Million in funding from Johnson & Johnson, Merck & Co., and the National Institute of Health)” down in your college applications you should be very careful to be able to back up your claims with documentary proof. There was someone at UT Soutwestern who could have claimed something very much like that, but he was a Nobel Laureate and he died a couple of years ago…

Hi @WhoKnows2023,

I’ve was interested in your stem cell research and tried to find some type of link online to your research project but I can’t seem to find anything. I would think that a high schooler with a $18 million fund would have many links/news articles. Would you mind sending me a PM with a link?

Hi @WhoKnows2023,

I just googled Robocon 2017 and couldn’t seem to find any keynote speakers who were high school juniors. It seems all of them are professors…

@WhoKnows2023, did you get an interview invitation from Oxford?

@lifelesson101 wasn’t like one of the big ones. It was during the summer program that year in front of like 50 kids where I talked about my robot which pumps water from the ground, but ultimately costs too much to properly implement.

The wording is misleading, yes, but its not wrong.

@collegemom3717 Did not end up applying, the closest place for me to take the test they require for economics is 5 hours away and I really wasn’t that serious about going overseas to drive that much. My ED is UPenn

Good luck next week, @WhoKnows2023

Thank You So Much! @collegemom3717



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