Chance Me? RD 2023!

Hey y’all! Attending college in D.C. is my dream and hope for the best in the next month.

GPA: 3.9
SAT: 1130
ACT: 25
Rank: 30/215
Major: Political Science or Political Communications

Personal Essay(s): Eleanor Roosevelt as Political Figure & Would Stop Germany from Signing Power Over To Hitler by Properly Using Democracy

Girls State (Government Educational Camp)
Started LGBTQ+ Club & Acceptance Group

Dual Enrolled in 6 courses; American History 1 & 2, Psychology, Sociology, English 101, English 102

Jewish Woman from West Virginia

Please chance me!<3

did you do test optional?

No, I don’t have enough EC’s and my GPA was built up on only a few honors classes so I felt as if I didn’t have enough to back me up other than my test scores.

im a going to be honest, for RD, your chances are a bit weak. Not being from the northeast might help you . If you had applied ED, your chances would have been greater, but I understand that its a big financial gamble, and likely you probably need aid .

thank you for your honesty haha❤️ ED was too much of a risk as i applied to 10+ colleges !

I agree with @sdl0625. I think that you’re probably a “high reach” due to your test scores. There’s still a chance you’ll get accepted but I’m afraid the odds aren’t that good. Good luck to you either way :slight_smile:

did you get in?
