<p>Hi. I really have no clue what colleges would be best for me to go to at the moment with my stats. Please suggest:] As for stats:</p>
<p>GPA: W 3.83/4.6 UW B+ so i think likea 3.4 or 3.5/4 not many honors classes( like 4 or 5). No idea what my rank is.</p>
<p>SAT scores: 680 Bio( retake -hoping for a 750)
Math 1(720 on BB practice tests)
SAT Reasoning: got a 1900( 550 CR ***, M 690, WR 660) in March ( scoring a 2080 right now. Assuming a 2100-2150 in June)</p>
<p>APs : AP psychology and AP Enviro Sci( self study), and like 5 honors classes thoughout my years(school does not allow APs in freshman year. Psychology is the only AP sophomore year</p>
<p>Senior Course load:
AP Stat
AP Mirco/ AP Macro,
AP Bio,
Honors English,
Fine art/ applied art 1
<p>EC: Freshman year I got into a special academy school(kinda like vocational school for culinary. worked in a resturaunt of the school. Schedule was very specific so I had to transfer out of the school in order to ever be able to take some AP classes)</p>
<p>founder/ president of a club
publicist of another club.
a Peer Mentor( help kids with special needs in school ).
I have had the same job for the past two years as a party host( going to be 3 years by the time of graduation)
75-100 volunteer hours by the end of the summer.</p>
<p>African American, female,NJ. Undecided- probably science or math or business. </p>
<p>Please suggest more schools but what are my chances: (just put some random ones) I want a school that is diverse, city ( good nightlife) and somewhat competitive.
GWU, NYU, U Miami, UDelaware, American, UMIch, Vandy, Carnegie Mellon,UVA, and rutgers is a given</p>
<p>Thank you<3</p>