Chance me/Reccomend schools for a Rising senior

<p>Hi. I really have no clue what colleges would be best for me to go to at the moment with my stats. Please suggest:] As for stats:</p>

<p>GPA: W 3.83/4.6 UW B+ so i think likea 3.4 or 3.5/4 not many honors classes( like 4 or 5). No idea what my rank is.</p>

<p>SAT scores: 680 Bio( retake -hoping for a 750)
Math 1(720 on BB practice tests)
SAT Reasoning: got a 1900( 550 CR ***, M 690, WR 660) in March ( scoring a 2080 right now. Assuming a 2100-2150 in June)</p>

<p>APs : AP psychology and AP Enviro Sci( self study), and like 5 honors classes thoughout my years(school does not allow APs in freshman year. Psychology is the only AP sophomore year</p>

<p>Senior Course load:
AP Stat
AP Mirco/ AP Macro,
AP Bio,
Honors English,
Fine art/ applied art 1

<p>EC: Freshman year I got into a special academy school(kinda like vocational school for culinary. worked in a resturaunt of the school. Schedule was very specific so I had to transfer out of the school in order to ever be able to take some AP classes)</p>

<p>founder/ president of a club
publicist of another club.
a Peer Mentor( help kids with special needs in school ).
I have had the same job for the past two years as a party host( going to be 3 years by the time of graduation)
75-100 volunteer hours by the end of the summer.</p>

<p>African American, female,NJ. Undecided- probably science or math or business. </p>

<p>Please suggest more schools but what are my chances: (just put some random ones) I want a school that is diverse, city ( good nightlife) and somewhat competitive.
GWU, NYU, U Miami, UDelaware, American, UMIch, Vandy, Carnegie Mellon,UVA, and rutgers is a given</p>

<p>Thank you<3</p>

<p>bumpity bump bump</p>

<p>A lot of the more selective schools you mentioned based on your stats are going to be a bit of a reach. That doesn’t mean dont apply, but don’t think any of those will be an easy in. You may want to look into western new England college, Arizona state university, the university of Oregon and the university of Washington…</p>

<p>Do you have any other criteria for school, like location? That might help narrow your search. Also, the college board website has a school comparison that can be pretty useful in terms of finding and comparing schools</p>

<p>Your URM status will def. help you get into some of the more selective colleges on your list. Vandy, CMU, and UVA are probably slight reaches though.</p>

<p>Freshman year was decent Sophomore year I did bad cause I didn’t care and that is why right now junior year I am trying harder than ever with an A- average. Good to know I am not doomed though lol. I don’t care about location actually haha.
thanks guys :] more help would be appreciated!</p>

<p>Being a URM gives you’ve huge boost. You have some of the most impressive URM stats I’ve seen compared to people in my area.
55% of the students in my school are URM’s.
You have decent chances, but don’t slack off.</p>