<p>Dear hopeful1239 : The good news here is that your Habitat for Humanity experience is very unusual in a High School student and you should be proud of bringing that story to your resume.</p>
<p>Now for the downside - your SAT two way combined at 1270 and three-way at 1910 are in the third quartile of BC acceptances and towards the lower end of the range. Ranking 70th, as Reddune said, will be a major strike against your application. If your guidance counselor is passionate about your chances to attend BC, now is the time to ask him/her to call BC's admissions office on your behalf.</p>
<p>Your resume is missing any sports and organized music in a school setting. Only one year of National Honor Society is below the mark. One honors class and 2 AP classes in the senior year suggests that you have "backed off" compared to your junior year and that will not play well in reviewing your application.</p>
<p>So, in summary, Reddune is giving you a good score of "waitlist" as candidates with better credentials have been deferred or rejected thus far. Honestly, you should be researching some safer schools for your application. Hopefully, this review is wrong - you will really need to press your case with BC if you really want it.</p>
<p>Thanks for everyones input!
scottj - im not really sure if guidance counselor will really make a difference on their decision but i think i will anyways b/c my guidance counselor loves me =] thanks for the advice.
also BC is one of my reach schools, so thankfully i will not be stuck going nowhere haha</p>
<p>I can't really chance you since I'm applying this year too and don't really know but I just wanted to tell you that I went to HOBY too! It was a lot of fun, but now I get too many e-mails from them...</p>
<p>well looking here, everything seems to math up</p>
<p>you have high EC's, and a pretty rigorous coarseload, and somewhat above-average grades.</p>
<p>What brings you down is the SAT's</p>
<p>If you look at schools that have as many applicants as BC, USC, BU, and NYU, you will realize that they can sort out half the stack by just looking at numbers.</p>
<p>What you need is to look great personally, and look great numbers wise.</p>
<p>Your SAT's are on the low range, but if you write great essays, great recs and what not, you may get in or waitlisted, im leaning towards the latter.</p>
<p>Compare yourself to the posters of the Early Action thread, and you will see how competitive a spot to BC will be this year.</p>