Chance Me: Rising senior from rural area for T50 schools [VA resident, 4.0, TO, needs full aid]

Okay, so let me get this straight. If I go through with QB and don’t come out as a finalist, then I can still apply RD to schools such as UVA? In addition to that, can I still apply to schools through the common app as RD that aren’t matched with QB?


If you don’t get selected as a Finalist at all, then you’re done with Questbridge and just go back to the regular process. You’ll still have time to apply to an ED school and so on, as you’d already planned.

If you get selected as a Finalist, then you have to submit your ranked lists of schools for the Match cycle. You can rank up to 15, and if you do match, you’ll get a binding offer from whatever school you ranked highest, that accepted you for the Match scholarship.

If you don’t match, you can still use the Questbridge application to apply to as many partner schools as you want in the RD cycle. You can also apply RD anywhere you want, outside of Questbridge, with the Common App or school-specific apps. Plus, you can apply ED2 outside of Questbridge, to schools that have that option; and some QB partner schools that have ED2 will offer the option of converting your QB app to ED2, if you ranked them in the Match cycle.

Is that clear? I know it’s complicated!


Yes! Thank you so much. You explained it in a very clear way. I really can’t say thank you enough. The main reason I didn’t go through with QB earlier is because it seemed super complicated and I didn’t really find any sources that made much sense so you helped a ton! I’m super excited to see where this process takes me. I’ll make sure to keep you updated!


Does anyone here have any recommendations for places to find counselors or other people that could read over my writing supplements?

Here is the link for essay help on this forum!


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