<p>I applied to SDSU for the fall 2009 semester. I have been stressing the past 4 months waiting to hear back from them. Some of my friends got in early for the honors program and it makes me stress even more. Can someone give me a rough prediction on whether or not i have a chance. </p>
<p>State schools dont look at extra curricular activities (although i wish they did i have ASB VP and Eagle Scout on my UC apps.) although i have take AP Computer Science, and AP Environmental Science. Any chances of admissions</p>
<p>I’m in-state, and my EC’s are Boy Scouts for 6 years, ASB Vice president, I have had a job since sophomore year, I am on School Site Council, I played baseball until sophomore year, and I am a member of DECA since junior year</p>
<p>In-state, you r in no doubt. I would be very suprised if the didn’t give u some sort of incentive, ( scholorship, honors, etc.). Yeah, but there is no need to worry, u r easily in.</p>
<p>Thanks. Everyone keeps making this big deal about budgit cuts and stuff so i got worried. Also I don’t understand how some kids got in already for early acceptance, when one of my friends had a 3.8 GPA with lower SAT scores than me, does that .25 gpa make that much of a difference and wouldnt one assume that SAT would give a better basis of knowledge than GPA.</p>