Chance me s'il vous plait


<li>Asian Male, to-be Senior, Small public high school in MA (class of roughly 110)</li>
<li>School sends 5-10 or so graduates to colleges such as Swarthmore, Williams, Ivies etc. each year
-top 10% (class ranks aren't given out)
-unweighted GPA 3.77 (grades have been steadily improving since 9th )
-classes: all APs/Honors. I have only taken 2 APs (bio, statistics) since our school doesn't offer them till junior and senior year. The two APs I took in junior were classes/subjects that I had to double up in 9th + 10th to get "ahead of the track". School has a total of 9 APs or so (and all of them are senior year unless you get "ahead of the track" for sciences and math)</li>

<p>In senior year, I plan to take AP physics, AP chem, AP french, AP calculus, honors english</p>

<p>APs- Biology 5 , Statistics 4
SATIs- 720 Critical Reading, 700 Math, 720 Writing (planning to retake again)
ACT- (planning to take)
SATIIs - 730 Bio M, 690 Chem (planning to take Math II, French)</p>


<p>-Band (throughout high school) - 1st/2nd chair
-Varsity Cross Country (4 years- captain 12th grade)
-Varsity Indoor and Outdoor Track (4 years)
-Science Fair (9th and 11th grade - won an award from the local pond for a project on it)
-Lifesmarts, an economics competition sponsored by the Federal Reserve, our team got 2nd at states
-Varsity Math Team
-Academic Bowl
-National Honors Society (10th to 12th)
-Helped at Hershey's Track (introduces track to youngsters)
-Peer Tutor (10th, 11th grade)</p>


<p>Placed in top 10% for National French Exam
Science Fair award from local pond</p>

<h2>Community Service</h2>

<p>Started a "Shovel for Seniors" project during the winter (10+ hours)
Other various community service work such as staffing school dances, local fair, local dump (30+)
Going to start a chess club for elementary school kids (30+)</p>


<p>2 good ones from my biology teacher (head of the science department) and economics teacher</p>


<p>Thanks in advance for any responses :)</p>

<p>where are you applying. and for what major.</p>

<p>i'd say you have good chances for CALS or HE...i'm guessing you're on a pre-med track? your SATs arent stellar though..your SAT scores need to be above your high school's average SAT scores...</p>

<p>ask your high school counselor for a high school profile sheet and compare your stats to those...</p>

<p>I'm applying for CALS. My SAT scores were 90th percentile or so at my school, so as you said, I should/am going to retake it later this year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice so far :)</p>

<p>your chance for CALS is favorable in my opinion.
unless it's for AEM</p>

<p>------------------bump! :)</p>

<p>bump again :(</p>

<p>I don't know about CALS, but I can tell you that in general, your SATs seem to be the weak point as it was mentioned above. Try to improve on that, and score well on your APs, and I believe you will be fine. Also, keep participating in ECs.
Good luck!</p>

<p>Ed: 85%
Rd: 45%</p>

<p>Bump again since my EA failed!</p>

<p>Wait…am I reading the correct SAT scores? 1420/2140? Those are like midrange for Cornell. OP, if you browse ED Decisions thread for this year, class of 2013, you’ll notice there are students with scores 1800-2100 who were accepted, and 2250+ who were rejected. Your SAT’s are not a huge deal. Cornell really looks past the numbers and more into fit. You didn’t mention your major, but based on what you posted, I’m guessing you’re a pre-med science major? Make sure you convey your passion for Bio or whatever in your essays.</p>

<p>Pretty typical. I’d say you definitely have a shot.</p>

<p>All we can say is that you have a shot. i see nothing spectacular, nor anything glaringly bad. Good luck!</p>

<p>my major is undecided as of right now - political science and biology. they’re very different, but i was thinking about writing (for the cornell supplement essay) how one of cornell’s main appeal for me is that it has such a diverse curriculum which would enable me to explore me two varying interests.</p>

<p>how does that sound? :P</p>

<p>CAS essay !</p>