Chance me Smith ED1 CO2026

South Asian Female, first generation college student
International student

Intended Major(s)

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA:

  • SAT Scores:
    1310 (650 RW/ 660 Maths)


  1. President of Social Service Society
  2. Secretary of Junior Red Cross Circle
  3. Class Representative
  4. Lead Editor of Yearly School Magazine
  5. Worked as a radio jockey for a school program every Saturday
  6. Member of the school organizing committee
  7. Worked as a full-time substitute English teacher in my gap year
  8. Currently volunteering for UNICEF Nepal and an incident reporter
  9. Licensed first aider and member of a first aid organization
  10. Took piano lessons from Jazz Conservatory

1st prize in Story writing competition
2nd prize in Essay Writing Competition
Finalist in Poetry Competition

Was very active in school so teachers know me very well, good letters of recommendation.

Cost Constraints / Budget
Need financial aid efc of $5-10k

Your stats will be very competitive. Keep in mind that historically Smith enrolls 14% international students which is 80-90 women per class of 600. Merit aid is available but very competitive. Smith announced this week that it will meet all demonstrated financial need with grants and not loans. That’s a big deal.

You’re odds improve considerably with Early Decision. Strongly consider that option if Smith is your first choice.
Good luck.

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Thank you very much

I think Smith College will be a reach for you. According to published stats, the median SAT score for the current class is 1420 with a range from 1325/1510. Meaning that only 25% of students were accepted into Smith with an SAT score below 1325. ED does improve your chances but you may want to consider looking at other schools more in your range. What other schools are you considering?

I’m thinking of Drexel, Syracuse, Mt. Holyoke, Stony Brook, Dickinson. Do you recommend not sending the SAT scores? I’m giving another SAT in December too. Thank you for replying!

Your SAT score puts you in range for all the schools on your list. If you can retake the test in December, the better the SAT score, the better your chances. Mt Holyoke, Syracuse Newhouse, and Stony Brook would be reach schools for you. Dickinson and Drexel are more of match schools based on your stats.

I think, though, that you should keep researching your list and consider some additional factors. You want to build a list of schools that are safety, match, and reach in terms of your likely acceptance. Also, as importantly, schools that will meet your need for financial assistance.

You already know that you want to major in communications which is a great starting point. Also, try to determine what type of school you can see yourself attending. For example, do you want a small school in a rural area, a large state university, or a school in a city?

Here are some suggestions of match and safety schools that offer good programs for studying communications.

Ithaca College
Colorado State
Arizona State
Marist College
University of Arizona

Monmouth University
Western Michigan
Ramapo College
Kent State

Good luck!

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