Chance me Spring Transfer 2019

I just submitted my application for GW Spring Transfer 2019. I’m a sophomore in my 3rd semester of college. I go to a private university in Boston studying Marketing but I want to switch to Political Science. I play two Division III sports, soccer and tennis, currently at my school. I had a marketing internship in the summer, do a bunch of ECs at my school mostly sport related. My GPA is 3.6. I also took some Community College classes over the past couple of years and I guess I have a 4.0 in all those classes. High school gpa was bad but GW doesn’t require it so I’m not going to send it. I think I wrote a pretty good essay. I’m not looking to play sports at GW but I really want to study Poli sci. What are my chances of getting in?

I think your chances are quite good. GPA is the biggest thing as a transfer, and the fact that you’ve done that while also playing two sports is great.

Good luck!

I wasn’t so sure what my chances were, thanks for the reassurance.

I submitted my GWU transfer application three weeks ago, best of luck to you! GWU is my dream school- I’m so excited for my admissions decision! Do you know when they usually notify students?