Chance-Me Stanford, Berkeley, UCSD, UCSB, USC [3.88 (4.18 for UC), 1560, env sci or marine biology or coastal ecology]

Are you beholden to the West coast or California or are you open to the East too?

I would prefer West Coast including Oregon/Washington/British Columbia but I would consider east coast for a great school (no TX or FL though)ā€¦

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Good suggestions. Did she apply to Rausser at Berkeley or L&S?

Agree with this. My D was also an enviro applicant (although not marine bio) and of her PIQs only one out of four was about her environmental ECs. The rest were on other topics and interests.

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You might consider UW and then as a safety - W Washington or Oregon State, both WUE schools. Or Oregon.

The reason I asked about the East is Duke is well thought of and has a specific marine lab. Itā€™s another stretch of course. I know both UMN and Wisconsin are rated highā€¦not sure the opportunities in the midwest.

I know you have UCSC but I think a W Washington, Oregon State, or Oregonā€¦or a UMN - just as a ā€œjust in caseā€ might be a nice add.

Good luck.

Marine Science at Berkeley is in EPS (Earth and Planetary Science) and falls under L&S.

FWIW, like CPSLO, UCBā€™s program is also relatively small.

I donā€™t think you mentioned UCLA, which is ranked as having the best MB program in the UC system, and of course, thereā€™s UCSD Scripps.

There is no Marine Biology major at Cal- but most of the other UCā€™s (including UCLA/UCSD) offer Marine Biology as a major, Marine Science as a minor.

This is a helpful site for schools and programs:

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Remember, when you write your EC list (which have very limited word and character counts) you donā€™t need to use full sentences (which can use up valuable space). Find power verbs (look them up) and lead with your strengths.

Good luck!

UCB lumps most biology into molecular and cell biology and integrative biology. The latter is where marine biology would be, although there appear to be only a few upper division and graduate level courses specifically on that subject (108, 158LF, C171, C176L, 177LF, 230), though more of the courses may touch on marine biology topics.

Would cal state maritime be of any interest? Definitely not like the other schools but they do offer an oceanography degree.

Cal Maritime is a great program for the right student. It is very tiny (<200 students/year), with seven majors. The most recent census shows that it is over 80% male.

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Maybe thatā€™s because of the uniforms LOL :joy:

That alone gave it a hard pass from our D23!

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