Chance me? Thanks!

<p>State: NC</p>


<p>Math/science (undecided)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.7 UW 4.6 W (rigorous courseload, mainly A's with a few B' s)</p>

<p>ACT/SAT: I emailed admissions and got their conversion table and my ACT scores translate to 690 Math 550 CR (I'm not very well rounded), But they may improve I'm getting my SAT scores back this Thursday (I'm 90% sure my math is above 700, idk about CR)</p>

<p>ECs: Very involved with church, music, and running and some math/science competitions (won't list all)</p>

<p>What are my chances so far? Could I get in ED or should I wait? Thanks!</p>

<p>You have a great chance.</p>

<p>@bboop42 Is my CR score okay? I feel like that’s low, but my math compensates for it.</p>

<p>Are you trying for Engineering? If so, you might be a bit low.</p>

<p>Yes, CR is on the lower side but depending on your classes, AP scores and grades in those “core” classes, it may weigh out. VT can be funny on who they accept, so it is all guess work on our part. </p>

<p>@bboop42 I get my AP Language score back in July. If I do good on that could that make up for my CR score?</p>

<p>and @jhoelscher I am undecided as of now.</p>

<p>It can help supplement the ACT/SAT score by giving them another point of reference. Agree, if wanting engineering, it is more of a stretch as it is more competitive for that major.</p>

<p>@bboop42‌ I won’t be applying for engineering, and thanks for the insight!</p>

<p>Good Luck. My youngest son was accepted for the Fall 2014 class, but decided to attend JMU instead (Biology). My oldest DS will be a senior in ME come Fall so I am now a divided mom.</p>

<p>Thank you! I really hope my scores aren’t a deal breaker… At least I’m OOS and not in NoVA, I know I would have no chance if that were the case.</p>

<p>never say never. VT always has some surpising acceptances and declines, so just do you best and always have back up plans.</p>

<p>Well… I got an 1810 on the SAT, but I didn’t have better luck on the CR. As of now, I have a 1240 total from my ACT equivalents… I will be retaking the SAT though. Do you think my GPA makes up for it? Thanks!</p>

<p>It is so subjective depending on the classes taken for that GPA, the major, the other applicants on any given year, etc. I think you have a good chance but it is very hard to guess anything with VT admissions. You appear to be within their mid 50% range so that is a good start. My DS2 (legacy 4 generations) had similar scores as you, with slightly lower UW GPA. He was deferred ED, wait-listed RD, then offered admissions (choose to attend somewhere else though) His friend had a higher GPA (with non-AP classes as his primary course load) and higher ACT and was accepted during ED. I think you just need to do your best, submit the application, have a back-up plan, be positive and know that whatever happens it will all work out in the end for the best. Hang in there, I know it is stressful.</p>

<p>Thank you for your input! We’ll see how it goes! :)</p>