Chance Me UCs/CSUs

Currently a high school junior, don’t really know what I wanna major in but I was thinking Philosophy, Political Science, or something medical.

If it’s too early to tell, I apologize!

In-state, Asian male

Applying for all UCs except for UCR, UCM, UCSB, UCSD

Unweighted: 3.92
Weighted: 4.42
Weighted & Capped: 4.25
(School doesn’t put +/-)

UC Berkeley DCAC (30wks)
Volunteer at my church 1 hr/36 wks
Senior Editor at my school news station (11-12)
Computer Science Club (9-10)
Tutoring Biology at school 1 hr/24wks

Standardized Scores: N/A but I got a 1120 on the PSAT :confused:

Your GPA is competitive so far but your SAT test scores will need to be in the 1300+ range for a chance at many of the UC’s and if you are targeting the top UC’s, probably closer to 1450+.

Keep up the good work and repost once you have all your stats prior to applying.

Some UC statistical data:
2018 UC capped weighted GPA averages:
UCB: 4.23
UCLA: 4.23
UCSD: 4.16
UCSB: 4.13
UCI: 4.13
UCD: 4.11
UCSC: 3.96
UCR: 3.81
UCM: 3.71

2018 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1360-1540

UCLA: 1340-1540
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1270-1500
UCD: 1220-1480
UCI: 1230-1490
UCSC: 1210-1450
UCR: 1130-1380
UCM: 1020-1280

The Cal states with the exception of Cal Poly SLO use the eligibility index to rank applicants by major. They accept from the top down until all spots are filled. Most of the CSU’s give local preference except for SLO and SDSU.

EI= (CSU/UC capped weighted x800) + (SAT Math + EBRW)

SJSU is the only CSU that posts their EI thresholds by major so you can determine if you are competitive. EI’s do fluctuate from year to year so the thresholds are not definitive for each incoming Freshman class.