Chance me @ UMiami

Hello, going to be a senior

SAT- 1430
710 English, 720 Math
GPA- Unweighted = 89.32: Weighted= 95.37

All CP Freshman year,
Sophomore year-
Algebra 2 H
English 2 CP
US History H
Spanish 3 CP
Chemistry H
Comp prog 1

Junior Year-
AP Physics 1
Math Analysis H
Spanish 4 CP
AP Micro/Macro Econ
English 3 CP

Senior Year-

Ap Calculus
AP Statistics
AP Psych
English 4 CP
Computer Programming 2 Honors
AP Physics 2

AP Exams-
4 on Microeconomics
4 on Macroeconomics
5 on APUSH

Executive Board in push/rebel
Robotics all years. our team has been to nationals, and won district competitions and I am a manager

Co-CEO at a non profit
Mentor middle school robotics
Volunteer at a library
Also intern at a Law Firm

I am interested in Computer Science/ Cyber security

Also would i have more of a chance if I apply EA or ED?
