Chance Me UMich

You are playing with house money!! You will be in a great position no matter what happens!


Your a great candidate as already stated. You are the type of student that they are looking for. They do give oos financial aid but merit, not so much. Go to wherever you can afford and excel, regardless where you get accepted. Have no or little loans is key to your future success. My kids graduated college the last few years and their friends with loans are behind the 8 ball before they even start their life. Having heavy loans is just not worth most schools. You have great choices and I am sure more to come. Take advantage of whatever the school affords you and be active on campus and you will excel wherever you land.


yes this is what i tell myself! even if i don’t get into a T20 or ivy, i already have wonderful options which i’m extremely grateful for!


this is great advice, thank you!!

I was also curious as to whether it’s a good idea to send a LOCI before the early action decisions are released? I think I saw some people do this on another thread. I feel like I’ve learned even more about Michigan since I initially applied and I also want to set myself apart because many of my peers applied early action as well. Furthermore, how long are these LOCIs supposed to be? I’ve seen anywhere from 200 words to a full page so I’m really not sure. Thanks again for all of your advice!

I don’t believe you do these unless deferred or waitlisted.

I’m still amazed at Pitt at $15k a year off. Hard school to get merit. That’s a home run.

Good luck with the Wolverines.

Guess you’re going to like blue and gold/maize.

Even U Del.

I think you applied to schools based on a color scheme :).

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thank you so much!

i’m so grateful for pitt’s scholarship! i have a lot of friends there and it seems like a great school, i plan to attend an admitted students event soon.

and the color thing is somewhat true :rofl: i told myself that i could not go to an orange/green school HAHA. one way or another, i’ll be going to a blue and gold/maize school!

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So the reality is that the AO are very busy now. I do tell people that I have helped through the years to write a LOI prior to EA but most would do this at end of Junior year or start of Senior year. It would be something you can’t find on the website. Also many would of been to a live or online program to learn about Michigan (insert school name here) and send a follow up to that person.

Many on here will tell you not to or their student never etc and was still accepted.

I think you did enough actually. BTW LOCI is for continued interest and usually after being deffered. They only made it a thing since too many people were sending them in anyway when asked not to… Lol…

I do think having different touches can help for some. But not a last minute rush decision. It will only look that way to the AO. I do know many AO that put students in touch with students in their field of interest when requested for that.

Good luck.

thank you so much!!!

You already have three great options in the bag – congratulations. Anything else is going to be extra whipped cream on an already-nice sundae.


thank you!!

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Mom of 2 OOS Umich graduates *(c/o '21 and c/o '22) who both received generous scholarships. Remember, diversity is about diversity of thought and experience as well and I think you fit that perfectly! Don’t worry about the finances for right now. Schools that want you will offer what they can and often, if you are a good fit, they are able to offer more based on your situation. Keep your head up! Best of Luck to you!


thank you so much for the kind words!

just wanted to say i was accepted to umich early action today!!! thank you for all of the kind words everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Congrats. List your stats and GPA and in or out of state and major on the Michigan EA site please. It helps us for stats in the future… Congrats!!


thank you! and yes i posted mine very shortly after opening my acceptance!

Go Blue!! You will love it.

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i really want to!!! it’s so expensive though so i might go somewhere else and get a masters at umich haha


Seriously don’t get in over your head financially. It’s awesome for the ego but debt is not your friend.

Congrats on getting in.


thank you so much! i absolutely agree. especially not when i have options that will leave me debt free